Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Experimental Psychology Research Paper Essay

The terms `counselling’ and `psychotherapy’ are often employed in a loosely interchangeable way, especially in Australia. Where distinctions are made, there has been little agreement on what each term should cover. This article examines several axes on which `counselling’ might potentially be distinguished from `psychotherapy’; the most promising basis for such a distinction seems to be whether or not the mode of work attempts to access the unconscious. On this basis, several modalities currently termed `therapy’ would in fact be classed as types of `counselling’, including those modalities of family therapy which aim to engage clients at the level of conscious behaviour change and restructuring. Consideration of how new professionals are trained lends support to a continuum, with short-term, problem-focused conscious-oriented approaches at one end, and longer-term, transference-focused, unconscious-oriented approaches at the other, the dividing line coming at the point where trainees learn the skill of `immediacy’. to feel uncomfortable making. My university offered two programs: a shorter Master of Education award in `Counselling’, and a longer Master of Arts award in Counselling Psychology, aiming to train `psychologists’ for clinical positions in Community Mental Health, where they would often be doing `psychotherapy’. Everyone seemed to know what the difference between `counselling’ and `psychotherapy’ was, although exactly what it consisted in was rarely addressed. An introductory course called `The Roles of Counsellor and Therapist’ set Impact and Change: A Study of Counseling Relationships (Kell and Mueller, 1966). The `counselling’ in this book seemed to have a lot to do with transference (though that term was not employed) and stressed the counsellor’s `use of the counsellor^client relationship’Ã ¶things that had rarely been mentioned in my Australian training in `counselling’. On the other hand, Family Therapy, my chosen specialty and enthusiasm back then, was `therapy’, despite the fact that most family therapists at the time rejected the whole idea of transference (for an exception, see Box, 1998), gave their clients straightforward behavioural homework and checked to see if they did it. How was this different from the `educational’ approaches in which my friends enrolled in the M.Ed. program were being trained? I did not fully sort out these things during my two years in the US. I returned in 1981 to an Australia still largely committed to `counselling’, only to see it adopt the term `therapy’ with remarkable speed over the next decade (the insistence of family therapists on calling themselves that, rather than `family counsellors’, no doubt being a contributing factor). Clearly, `psychotherapy’ is now regarded within the profession (and increasingly will be regarded outside it) as the more prestigious term: but what makes it so? A status distinction has arisen without any corresponding thinking-through of the content of that distinction.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Diversity: Culture and America Essay

Beginning with the prospect of the American dream, diversity has been one of the most dominant characteristics of American society. During the nineteenth century, America was deemed a melting pot: a place where people of different ethnicities could co-exist. The idea of people being able to embrace commonalities without letting go of their culture has been the basis of the America that we live in today. This sense of collaboration, which comes with diversity, has created outlets for our citizens and opportunities for those foreign to our country. Diversity is one of the most beneficial aspects of not only America’s history, but its present and future. Diversity is what makes America unique. As said in Mirror on America by Leonard Pitts, â€Å"America is everyone else, a nation composed of other nations, a culture made of other cultures, a history built of other histories.† (Pitts, 82) Pitt’s statement clearly depicts the fact that although America is independent from other countries geographically, the integration of different ethnic groups defines American history. The acceptance of other cultures in America has not only brought over people from different countries, but also their: ideas, beliefs, and opinions. The rewards that we reap from foreign contributions are, but are not limited to, food variety, technological advances, open minded citizens and overall a more tolerant country. America is a place characterized as the land of the free; the diversity in our country is what keeps that statement relevant. Due to the effectiveness of diversity in the workplace, industries and organizations have spent an abundance of time incorporating diversity into their own companies. With the incorporation of diversity in advertisements, employees, and superior positions today’s workplace is more diverse than it has ever been. These implementations of diversity benefit companies by creating a comfortable environment for their buyers, thus stimulating the economy. Although some may argue that companies have not reached the goal of total equality, it has been said that immigrants do have a positive effect on America’s workplace. â€Å"Since the early days of the Republic, talented foreigners have streamed to our shores to till the soil, build industries, and turn the country into a scientific and technological powerhouse. They converted the U.S. into the first global nation, giving us adaptability, an intuitive feel for other cultures, and an innovative edge,† said David Gergen. ( Gergen, 93) In America, we have many immigrants who come here with the hope of becoming successful; those who strive to create a better America by working hard tend to achieve that goal. Those who are able to succeed in their endeavors have provided Americans with the adaptability that Gergen explains. Immigrants have been the brains and ideas of big named, American companies such as Intel, AT&T, Kraft, Google, Yahoo!, and eBay. To understand how immigrants make such an impact on America’s workforce and economy, one needs to think about why they come here in the first place. Immigrants leave their homelands to come to America because they think and believe that their skills will be put to the test. As also said by Gergen, â€Å"Talented foreigners are job creators, not job takers.† (Gergen, 94) Immigrants do bring new ideas and skills which can further create more, successful jobs. Based off of a June 2012 study published by the Fiscal Policy, they report that 18% of small business owners are immigrants. The same report found that among small businesses, for which at least half of the founders were immigrants, employed an estimated 4.7 million people. This diversity benefits America because it puts foreign skills and talents to the test in order to stimulate jobs as well as our economy. In conclusion, with allowing diversity to continue to be a part of America, we can encounter many things other countries cannot. We can continue to accept different people and their ideas to create new jobs and opportunities. We can also accept their opinions to allow America to grow and continue being a strong nation. Last but not least, we can give people from all around the world the â€Å"American dream.† Works Cited Gergen, David. â€Å"A Smart Exception.† Mirror on America: Essays and Images from Popular Culture. 5th ed. Ed Mims, Joan T, and Nollen, Elizabeth M. Boston: Bedford St Martin’s, 2012. 93-94. Print Pitts, Leonard Jr. â€Å"History Tells Hard Stories of Ethnic Clashes.† Mirror on America: Essays and Images from Popular Culture. 5th ed. Ed Mims, Jonas T, and Nollen, Elizabeth M. Boston, Bedford, 2012. 81-82. Print Denhart, Michael. â€Å"The U.S. Needs More Immigrants to Grow the Economy and Create Jobs.† Huffington Post 26 September 2012. Web

Monday, July 29, 2019

Intro to business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Intro to business - Assignment Example This has pushed away the desire of many willing to work at the stores. Moreover, in most cases, most people in urban areas are liberals who probably target the nearby shops where stuff goes for just about as cheaply compared to the Wal-Mart stores. This has contributed immensely to retrenchment of the Wal-Mart stores. As an expedient solution to the food desert problem, exertions have been made to finally make it possible the entry of Wal-Mart to lucrative urban markets from which it has long been excluded (Roberts and Berg 160). Wal-Mart’s corporate management team has over the past decades toiled inside its ‘Bentonville Bubble’ in order to win the approval of zoning commissions and committees. This entails focusing on the operational efficiency, the growth of the company and its subsequent profits. However, this has proved not efficient enough and the company has widened its sights, built networks of employees, government agencies, nonprofits and suppliers to ‘green’ its supply chain. By seeking the approval of zoning commissions and committees, Wal-Mart will be in a position to increase its profitability. In order for the company to excel, it has cultivated closer relationships with its suppliers that have immensely contributed to initiatives. Moreover, Wal-Mart has gone further to build bridges between environmental nonprofit organizations and suppliers (Roberts and Berg 149). Most importantly, relying on external network collaborates such as the NGO’s has allowed the company to accomplish most of its objectives devoid of major investments since suppliers tend to absorb most of the costs of certification. Arguably, retailers often face a fast-expanding, multi-pattern competitive set that deprive them the opportunity to realize where they are heading. Wal-Mart as one of the leading companies in terms of sales may face quite a range of challenges once it runs significantly smaller stores. Change in technology and use

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Management of Human and Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Management of Human and Organisation - Essay Example It is further stated to be a key success factor for corporate in the modern day scenario. As stated by the experts, organisational culture of a specific company differs from one market area to another, influencing the structure of the organisation to a large extent. Thus, it tends to consider almost every factor embraced within the organisational structure which defines the concept to be complex and theoretical at times (Black, 2003).Considering the various aspects of organisational culture, the main objective of the paper will be to comprehend an appropriate definition of the concept with references to the studies conducted by various experts. Due to the fact that organisational culture influences every facet of the entire organisational structure, it is quite certain that differing cultures will also have diverse impacts on the performances of the employees (Black, 2003). This will require different motivating schemes for every particular business unit which will be analysed in the further discussion of the paper. The facts obtained from the research will be related to a global business organisation, i.e. Nokia Corporation so as to provide a pragmatic portrayal of the research findings. To be mentioned, the research will be conducted through a qualitative approach based on the secondary data and descriptive analysis intending to answer the identified research problem.2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Definition of Organisational Culture The introduction of the concept, ‘Organisational Culture’ can be identified in the late 1980s. Thus, it has been in frequent use in managerial theories for decades. However, the concept evidently lacks in a synchronised definition. Studies reveal that the sole meaning of the concept differs for particular individual and organisation. Where few experts state the meaning of organisational culture to be the operating psychology of an organisation, few others depict it as the determined values of an organisation (Reiman & Oed ewald, 2002). Since the introduction of the concept, authors have deliberately intended to define it. But there were few major flaws witnessed in the definitions provided by authors in 1990s. For instance, most of the definitions lacked providing an unambiguous description regarding the components of organisational culture, aim of the concept, and the probable strategies to achieve the aims. It is in this context that the modern day studies have revealed various aspects which provide an in-depth description about the motive and the major attributes of the concept considering economic along with social perspectives of culture (Willcoxson & Millett, 2003). In the modern day phenomenon, with the growing importance of the concept various authors have intended to provide a well-defined meaning of ‘Organisational Culture’. According to Serrat (2009), culture in an organisation signifies the mode of interaction exercised within the organisation among the employees and also wit h the external parties. As defined by the author, â€Å"Organizational culture comprises the attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values of the organization, acquired through social

Saturday, July 27, 2019

E-Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

E-Commerce - Essay Example The second type Business to Business, also known as B2B. This is when given company does commerce with another company. Consumer to Consumer, also known as C2C is when business occurs between consumers (Vulkan 2003). Business to Consumer (B2C): B2C forms the most common e-commerce category in current market share. It involves consumers and businesses where online businesses transact to individual customers. The basic idea behind this form is that the online vendors and promoters can sell their merchandise to the online shopper by employing crystal clear statistics which is made accessible via various online marketing apparatus (Canzer 2006).  This e-commerce category describes actions of businesses handling end customers with services and/or products. One of the most appealing strategies about B2C is that numerous online businesses are essentially just standard commercial entities that are available around individuals’ home town. The benefit to making that store internet oriented is that consumers from all around the planet who do not encompass access to this category of warehouse can easily attain services or products from the store by buying them online (Canzer 2006). Business to Business (B2B): This is regarded as the biggest form of e-commerce comprising business of huge amount of dollars. In this type, the sellers and buyers are both business corporations and do not engage an individual customer.  This kind of e-commerce comprises businesses transacting goods and services among themselves. Most of the time, B2B comprises online marketing corporations providing services for extra online entities who are seeking to get better outcomes on the search engines (Gao 2005). The mainly trendy forms of internet marketing are SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click). All of the extra types of e-commerce cannot be feasible without online promotion and B2B e-commerce type. Consumer to Consumer (C2C): This type of

Business Opportunities in Brunei Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Opportunities in Brunei - Essay Example Brunei is a members of ASEAN, United Nations Organization and the Organization of Islamic Conference. In spite of great political changes, Brunei is still a sultanate headed by Hassanal Bolkiah. The official language is Malay but business companies and organization understand English and Chinese. The currency of the country is Brunei dollar (Brunei. Brunei Country Reports 2008). The uniqueness of Brunei business culture is that it is influenced by Hinduism and Islam. Similar to other Asian coulters, Brunei culture has no clearly defined division between religion, philosophy and business. Faith and philosophy are lived every day as a way of life. To understand the Brunei businessmen, for example in the context of business leadership, it is important to understand the principles by which they live and to what extent the teachings of their philosophers are still applicable today (Brunei. The World Factbook 2008). They are extremely good at exploiting opportunities and at deal-making; they are masters of financial, in particular cash, management; in short, they are a result of a long series of opportunistic tactical moves. They are persistent, enduring and may survive in business for a long time by simply accumulating slim short-term gains. Historically, one characteristic of the Brunei business leaders is that their power rests on high flexibility, adaptabilit y and political pragmatism.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Review Of The Movie The Descendants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Review Of The Movie The Descendants - Essay Example The present research has identified that the film concept or industry is such a wide one, encompassing the motion picture industry, individual motion pictures, and film as an art. Generally, films are created by the recording or capturing of real-life images or creation of images by animation technologies or special film effects. Through being created by and on the basis of specific cultures, films are cultural artifacts, which reflect these world cultures but also affect the said cultures. Besides being a source of entertainment for families and individuals, film is an art-form that has really shot to prominence in recent times due to its influence on society. Moreover, films are educational tools not only in learning institutions but also in health facilities, correctional institutions, and domestic settings. In debates on the interrelationship between movies and society, it is important to realize that such discussions cover the genre of movies and its sub-genres such as Black and White film and speechless movies among others. The interrelationship between movies and the society is so interwoven that each certainly has a great degree of influence on the other. For instance, when people watch movies, they place or picture themselves in the situations or predicaments displayed in the movies, making them to involved, engaged in, and feel what the characters in the movies feel. As a result of the impacts movies have on peoples’ lives, a lot of focus has lately been directed at movie reviews and criticism. In fact, researches and talks have since been conducted to ascertain peoples’ views about movies, revealing quite distinct and contrasting movies. According to most responses, violence, pornography and other negative effects of movies on people minds and society outstand (Ross, 2002). However, given the expansive nature of the topic of the interrelationship between movies and society, the responses given in these researches are by far wide. Althou gh there is consensus among stakeholders that films express peoples’ feelings and experiences, some authors have adopted the stance that the film industry has quite outdone itself. That is, while some of the films and their images are real and bearable, others are fake and intolerable. For example, a such for the term ‘violent films’ using Google reveals a bout 224,000,000 results, an obviously worrying matter that should attract great public concern (Ross, 2002). The other searches with similarly many results are films about indecent acts, murder, sex, rape, and verbal offences. These critiques thus propose that as a society, people should clearly distinguish film as an art form and as a reality instead of allowing motion pictures to dictate or damage the course and progress of their lives. This paper explores the interrelationship between films and the society in addition to carrying out a film critique on the movie Descendants. The

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Management Information and Communication System Essay - 2

Management Information and Communication System - Essay Example The accounting applications of the ES are the most significant merits of an ES in that there is integration of cost, profit, and revenue information of sales that are presentable through granular way (Shang and Seddon, n.y, p.1-3). The ES entails Enterprise Resource Planning that has significant impact on the manufacturing process. Additionally, the management is able to make better plans in the organization via the consolidated picture of inventory, sales, and receivables presented by the ES. The adoption of the ES results to a reduced inventory cost due to the incorporation of SCM, CRM and ERP concepts that aid in better planning, follow-up and forecasting of requirements. The ES considerably enhance improved interdepartmental communication and better employee performance because of proper sharing of information across all departments of an organization. The ES also serves as a barrier to the entry of redundant data and processes throughout the system as all systems are integrated in an organization. However, the Enterprise systems entail a lot of challenges and demerits. Disadvantages of Enterprise Systems There are problems associated with delivering flexibility that emanate from the ES manufacturing companies being forced to respond to fast changes in customer requirements and technology which subsequently leads to huge demands on the flexibility of supply chain systems. In addition, ES suffers software complexity issues. This is due to the increased configuration complexity where the hardware, operating system, database and storage, and applications are hard to operate. Another disadvantage attributes to the difficult in optimal servicing of the installed equipment base and the challenge... The researcher of the essay "Management Information and Communication System" description of enterprise systems. Also the researcher mentions their advantages and disadvantages. In the end the researcher describes supply chain management systems. Enterprise systems (ES) are large scale application-software packages that entail enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, customer relationship management (CRM) packages, and supply chain management (SCM) packages from vendors like Oracle, PeopleSoft, and SAP. Subject to their application, Enterprise Systems can significantly change the way an organization functions. Indeed, there are variant business advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of Enterprise systems in an organization setup. In conclusion, the author finds that enterprise systems have fundamental impact on the management of any organization. They are involved in organizational functions, processes, reporting, data analysis and information flows. Though they are more te chnical and costly, the benefits of enterprise systems supersede the demerits of enterprise systems upon adoption in an organization. On the other hand, supply-chain management systems draw a huge significance in the business environment. They relate to coordinate planning, production, and logistics with suppliers. Their application in the business generates numerous benefits to the reference business. However, Supply chain management systems do not apply universally in different businesses.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Does Karl Marx's account of the workings of the market economy help us Essay

Does Karl Marx's account of the workings of the market economy help us tounderstand the causes and likely outcomes of the present global economic crisis - Essay Example s school, British literary critic Frederic Jameson, and German sociologist Max Weber all have researched and presented Marxist perspectives in their fields. Marx’s lasting influence has ensured his lasting place in the idealisms of people across time and space. In the face of the current financial crisis, people in Germany have turned to Karl Marx for guidance (Connolly). This is understandable, given the widely-held notion that laissez-faire capitalism, the subject of so much Marxist vitriol, is the villain and mastermind of the crisis. Thus, it seems that the works of Marx and other Leftist thinkers might have some relevance in creating a lasting solution to the problem. As Machiavelli famously said, â€Å"For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are more often influenced by the things that seem than by those that are† (Hacker 179). As educated citizens, we must resolve not to be satisfied with the superficia lities of the appearances, and seek reality. Analyzing Marxist theory and its impact allows us to understand what is beyond mere appearance. From the given facts of reality we can derive a normative prescription for the world to follow: steps that involve listening to the words eternal in their wisdom. Karl Marx, as alluded to before, left a lasting impact on many fields; of these perhaps the sociology of work in particular felt the largest effect. He accounted for the fundamentally political relationship between employer and employee, as well as the materiality of class conflict. This analysis remains pivotal in the sociological examination of work. Marx pushed forward the prospect of a sociological approach to work, which he delimited the scope â€Å"to the sociology of the factory†. Marx’s analysis provided the foundation of the relationship between home and work. Along with this came a description of exploitation irrespective of class (Grint 95). Although the crux of Marxist theory has been

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

E market paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E market paper - Essay Example This paper focuses on the online fashion shoppers as the target market, and and as the key websites that can meet the needs of the chosen target market. ShopStyle Website has a better communication strategy while Net-A-Porter website has a better structure and appeal to viewers. The Net-A-Porter Group Limited considers itself as the world’s premier online luxury fashion retailer. The market segment in this case is the luxury online fashion shoppers. The Net-A-Porter Group Limited was launched in 2000 and has successfully established itself in market using its luxury brand. The company prides itself in its exceptional pricing and highly effective customer care that has enabled them to remain strong and favoured in the highly competitive fashion market. Their website is an award winning website presented in a unique way – as a fashion magazine. The luxury fashion company targets online savvy luxury customers, and offers them what they want – customized fashion clothes designed to meet the specific needs of each customer. It focuses on bringing out the best looks of customer. The Net-A-Porter Group Limited provides cutting-edge labels and delivers its products through the worldwide express delivery. Customers find clothes of their choice from the company’s online store, and order whatever they want. The company then delivers them to wherever the customer prefers it to be delivered. The online luxury fashion market segment is a large market because most people who demand luxury products use the internet, and prefer their products to be delivered to their convenient places. The visitors of the company’s website per month are about 2.5 million. That shows that about 83,000 people frequent the website daily. This indicates that the online luxury market

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ducati Solution Essay Example for Free

Ducati Solution Essay Issues/Challenges Today, Ducati is one of the most successful motorcycle companies in the world with a dramatic profit growth since 1996. Before its huge success, Ducati was one step away from facing bankruptcy. Ducati managed to overcome such an obstacle through strong innovation and culture. Today, Ducati is faced with another challenge that may bring fortune to the company if successfully managed. Ducati set a new goal, which is to sustain the explosive double-digit profit growth in the next decade and eventually reach Harley Davison’s profit level. Ducati is considering attacking Harley Davidson by entering the cruiser market, which is Harley Davidson’s niche product and also a very profitable market segment in the industry. To do this, Ducati must invest 17 million Euro and cost of 26 million Euro. Based on this huge capital requirement, should Ducati enter the new market segment or should Ducati just concentrate on its current segment? If Ducati chooses to enter the cruiser market, what are other requirements besides the capital? Does Ducati have what it takes to succeed in the new market segment? The purpose of this memo is to help the executives of Ducati to make the optimum decision for Ducati’s future success. This memo contains the industry analysis, as well as an internal strategic analysis, company performance, and solutions and recommendations. This industry is divided into 4 segments. Ducati’s dominating segment is the sport sector. Ducati managed to utilize its differentiation strategy by taking into account of the industry’s driving forces. The cruiser segment is one sector that Ducati is very interested in entering. Unfortunately, Bert’s consulting concluded that this is not the best option through the feasibility analysis. The analysis contains the advantages and disadvantages of both options and the result was that the disadvantages outweighed the advantages. Also, entering the cruiser market is not really necessary for Ducati based on its current performance level. Industry analysis Although the number of motorcycle manufacturers has declined by a large number over the last century, competition exists among companies from different continents. Currently, all major manufacturers are from Japan, The U. S. , and Europe. The motorcycle industry is segmented into four categories: off-road, cruisers, touring and sport bikes, each of them with different qualities and target customers. Industry forces Economic condition is one of the major factors that drive the industry. This is an important factor because depending on the condition of the economy buyers’ demand will change. For example, when the economy stays strong, more people will buy the product while less people will buy when there is an economic downturn. The reason for this is because motorcycles are products that are not really necessary to possess in life. In other words, they are luxury goods. During the economic downturns, people become price sensitive and they could simply choose not to buy the product or find a substitute such as public transportation or vehicles that can hold more passengers. Therefore, the threat of substitute is very high. Motorcycles, like any type of automobiles, are a source of transportation, except they are luxury products. Companies in this industry compete with differentiation strategy rather than low cost strategy, meaning that companies focus on the quality of the product rather than low price. As long as the economy stays healthy, high income consumers will always buy the product no matter how much it costs. Another key factor is to understand the target market. As mentioned earlier, the motorcycle industry can be segmented into 4 categories. â€Å"A wide variety of individuals, with equally different tastes, bought and rode motorcycles† (Gavetti, pg 2). Each segment has certain qualities that attract different customers with different preferences. The riders can also be categorized into different types just as the motorcycles and they are â€Å"knee down†, â€Å"easy-riders†, â€Å"weekend riders†, and â€Å"highway riders. Different qualities include performance, functionality, lifestyle, and comfort. Riders choose their motorcycle based on which qualities they are attracted to. Motorcycles are not standardized products. They are highly differentiated products and they are not items that can be bought in large volume. For this reason, the power of buyers is relative low. Also, since the majority of buyers are not price sensitive, switching to different vendors is fairly easy. Prices do not affect the buyers in this industry because the buyer heavily demands quality over price. For example, if a new company comes up with a model with the best quality, the buyers will still switch to the new company no matter how expensive the new product is. This is the point where strong rivalry comes into play. All competitors have the same objective, which is to attract as many customers as they can by providing quality products. Although their objective is the same, each competitor follows their objective with their own unique strategies. Since customers can easily be attracted with innovative products, the rivalry in this industry is very high. One of the most important drivers of the industry is strong innovation. Technology advancement is very critical in this industry. Companies heavily invest a large portion of their revenues into research and development to create innovative technologies that differentiate themselves from competitors. This is very important in strengthening their name brands. Major companies used their early technology inventions as their foundation, and built up to an even higher level. Due to strong innovative thoughts, â€Å"motorcycles’ performance, comfort, reliability, and ease of maintenance had improved vastly† (Gavetti, pg 3). Due to very high capital requirement, strong innovative thoughts, and numerous large size competitors, the entry barrier is very high. Also, to be able to compete with these companies, new entrants must design a complex but efficient supply chain system for the manufacturing process. Motorcycle manufacturers rely heavily on the suppliers for quality input and satisfying delivery. â€Å"Outsourcing minimized fixed asset investment, but the quest for quality, reduced costs, and responsiveness to market fluctuations forced final assemblers to create strong commitment at the level of suppliers† (Gavetti, pg 3). To create high quality output at a lower fixed investment, it is very important for the manufacturers to maintain a good relationship with the suppliers. Also, as mentioned earlier, motorcycles are not standardized products, but differentiated products. This means that the components of the motorcycles are also quality inputs provided by the suppliers. The influence of the supplier on the final output is immense; therefore, the power of suppliers is high. Internal strategic analysis Ducati uses differentiation strategy as many other companies within the motorcycle industry. Therefore, all companies compete with each other by producing the best quality motorcycle. Ducati’s unique business model and core activities helped to produce Ducati’s way of quality motorcycles mainly focusing sport sector. Ducati’s strength comes from four core activities, which are production process, distribution system, development of product and RD, and â€Å"The world of Ducati. † One of Ducati’s core strategies is that Ducati heavily outsources its production compared to its competitors. As of 2001, outsourcing had grown to approximately 87%, and the company planned to bring it to 90%, probably the highest in the industry (industry experts estimated that the average outsourcing level for the industry was lower than Ducati’s)† (Gavetti, pg 10). By doing this, Ducati is able to reduce fixed asset investment, and mainly focus on product design, development and quality control. To ensure its product quality, Ducati collaborated wit h a number of the well-known firms such as Ferrari, Lombardini, Motori, etc, and formed the â€Å"Engine Technology District† (Gavetti, pg 11). All the firms within this district had one thing in common. They were all heavily focusing on engine technology. They basically collaborate with each other on activities such as â€Å"RD, purchasing, suppliers’ quality control, employee training etc† (Gavetti, pg 11). Ducati is very strict on selecting suppliers. Since suppliers play key roles in providing quality motorcycle components to the company, Ducati selected different suppliers for each component. Also, Ducati did not make long-term contracts with suppliers except for the major components. Ducati simply switched to different suppliers when the short-term contracts were over if needed. This ensured the quality and reliability of Ducati. Another core strategy that Ducati has is the distribution system. This strategy mainly helps Ducati to create a standard and unified Ducati designed business model for all dealers and subsidiaries to keep the scent and the culture of Ducati alive and therefore increase the value of the brand name. Through this system Ducati found many advantages. First of all, Ducati had full control of the distribution and marketing process. Instead of distributing its products to franchising dealers, and independent distributors, and letting them independently manage their own network of dealers, Ducati established company owned subsidiaries throughout the world. All the subsidiaries were managed under Ducati, which help to retain traits of Ducati’s brand (Gavetti, pg 12). This also increases the profit because Ducati owns the total sales made by all subsidiaries. Second, Ducati re-organized its network of dealers. Unlike many other companies, Ducati concentrated to improve the dealers’ performance instead of geographic expansion. There are many aspects that Ducati took into consideration for dealers’ performance such as sales forces, good technical assistance, and an adequate physical space for product display (Gavetti, pg 11). Instead of expanding the number of dealers, Ducati reduced by a large number. This made it easier for Ducati to manage to improve each dealership since the number decreased. Lastly, under this system, Ducati created its own chain stores. These stores owned by mono-franchisers offered company branded merchandises such as accessories and provided technical support and customer service. These stores provided a unique retail environment emphasizing the distinctive traits of Ducati’s Brand: while a ‘History Wall’ displayed images of Ducati’s racing heritage, and ‘Engineering Wall showed a large scale engineering drawing of the 916, Ducati’s symbol† (Gavetti, pg 12). This is an important factor because it strengthens the brand name and also increases customers’ loyalty by creating a culture. The third Ducati’s core strategy is the unique production development and RD process. Ducati invested a large portion of their revenue in designing new technologies, development of products and human resource management. Ducati created two research centers, the Cagiva Research Center and the Ducati Design center. The Cagiva Research Center focused on external design and Ducati Design Center focused on internal design. â€Å"As a consequence of these efforts, the company greatly reduced the ‘time to market’ for new product launches† (Gavetti, pg 12). This means that Ducati is able to develop a new model in shorter time period. Also, Ducati integrated RD and marketing for technological improvements. Through market research and customer feedback, Ducati managed to improve their technology and design. The World of Ducati is a strategy that helps the development and improvement of the value of the brand through a set of activities. â€Å"In addition to ‘Ducati Stores,’ the ‘World of Ducati’ compromised a series of other activities that had been consistently developing in the past three years† (Gavetti, pg 12). One activity is that unlike its competitors, Ducati implemented an â€Å"Open Paddock† policy, which allow members of Ducati club to be in close contact with the racers by participating in dinners and events. This is very important because ccording to a company’s website survey, the most important purchasing factor is the Superbike competition, followed by magazine tests, sports orientation of the brand, and its link to competition (Gavetti, pg 12). All these factors definitely improved customers’ loyalty to Ducati’s brand which is very important to sustain customers. Racers greatly collaborated with the RD process of Ducati by constantly testing the machines through competitions. Another activity is that, unlike its competitors, Ducati only used special magazines as the source of advertisement. One of the most popular campaigns was â€Å"Ducati/People,† which â€Å"featured Ducati workers and their motorcycles in and around Bologna in black and white retro’ pictures, and emphasized some central values of the brand: the Italian style, the history of the company, the young age of the riders and their sporty attitude† (Gavetti, pg 13). There are many other well-known specialized magazines that are related to motorcycles. Others activities involved Ducati’s museum tour, owners clubs, and social events. All these activities attracted many customers to learn the history of Ducati, get indepth knowledge of Ducati and ultimately increase the number of fans and customer base. Performance analysis So far, Ducati enjoyed the dramatic profit growth. â€Å"Revenues quadrupled since 1996; EBITDA had grown from 33. 4 million Euros in 1997 to around 60 million. In 2000; market share had gone from 5. 1% in the sport bikes segment in 1997 to 6. 7% in 2000† (Gavetti, pg 1). This is clear proof that Ducati is a very competitive opponent to many companies within this industry.

The Accumulation of Capital Essay Example for Free

The Accumulation of Capital Essay Joan Robinson (1903-83) is one of the leading economists of the 20th century and the only woman among the great economists. Her writings on economic development show a strong sense of the historical context of social change and a concern with economic organization and institutions rather than resource allocation. The existence of al living beings has the character of certain economic relationships. For example, in her work The Accumulation of Capital (1956) Robinson shows how from the economy’s point of view a human being can practice the behavior of an ordinary robin, and proceeding from this comparison she notes that economic life of humans is incomparably more complicated and needs very profound analysis. According to Robinson a group of people who specialize and co-operate are more likely to produce far greater results than the sum of their independent efforts. Basing on this simple fact, she continues, human economies develop into very intricate complexes of specialized activities. The method of distribu ¬tion of the product of interlocking activities then becomes important. After the distribution of the products the notion PROPERTY comes to light. There are a great number of societies on the planet, which live in accord with different types of economies. For example, there is slave economy, capitalist economy, socialist economy, etc. The methods of distribu ¬tion of the product of interlocking activities in each of these economies are cardinally different. Robinson claims that no actual economy conforms to a pure type. For example when she speaks about the economies, which are predominantly capitalist, she states that they contain many elements of production for home consumption, many elements of artisan production and many elements of socialism. This book deals predominantly with capitalist economy. It explicates certain capitalist rules, under which anyone who has suffi ¬cient purchasing power, or finance, and knows how to set about it, can become an employer of labor or entrepreneur. Then on the explanation of what entrepreneur is and how entrepreneurship developed is provided. For example, she compares the historical and modern notion of entrepreneur – in the early days of capitalism the typical entrepreneur was an individual who had invested his own finance in a business which he managed himself and bequeathed to his heirs as a going concern. The entrepreneur in modern conditions is a very amorphous conception; in brief, it is decision-taking entity, embodying the policy of a firm. The capitalist rules of the economy encourage large-scale produc ¬tion and the use of elaborate techniques. This raises output per man much above what an artisan can achieve. Thus, one of the tasks of entrepreneur is, in fact, to organize his employees in such a way to reach the highest possible output. In the following chapters Robinson presents the traditional categories in which the sources of income are usually divided like wages, rent, interest and profits. She also provides very clear and complete explanation of each of these categories. According to Broadly, economic wealth is the command over goods and services that are desired, or consuming power for short. The significance of production lies in the consumption, which it makes possible. The motive of each individual is to get command over money, and a flow of goods and services suitable to meet human wants emerges as a by ¬product of their efforts to do so. Thus the purchasing power of individuals and groups is the major influence on their consuming power. The purchasing power in real terms of a sum of money consists in a list of all the possible goods and services that it might buy. Purchasing power must be examined, so to say, in two layers the command of an individual or group over money, and the command given by a unit of money over goods and services. She states her position that the marginal productivity theory is not appropriate to explain the distribution of the national income between capital and labor, because, as she explains it is impossible to measure capital independently of labor. When assessing purchasing power we cannot do without such notion as money. Generally, money and its function is one of the central notions of economy. The economy is monetary, because there is specialization and exchange between different groups. Robinson underlies the importance of presenting the price level in terms of money, but she does not leave aside the importance of labor invested in the product. As she observes, many contracts besides the wage bargain are made in terms of money, and changes in the purchasing power of money bring about opposite changes in the real benefit and the real cost of the payments concerned so long as the contract holds. But in the long run all contracts are revised, so that a change in the real value of money becomes just a change in words. Over the long run the important price level is the price level in terms of labor time, for this expresses the distribution of the total product of the economy between work and property. Robinson concludes her book with the chapter which deals with the importance of equilibrium in economic relations. She presents different models of economic cooperation and comes to conclusion that an economy, which existed in a state of tranquility, lucidity and harmony, would be devoted to the production and con ¬sumption of wealth in a rational manner. She emphasizes the necessity to describe these conditions to see how remote they are from the states in which actual economies dwell. Traditionally she resorts to the showing the real example on capitalist model, which could never have come into existence in such conditions, for the divorce between work and property, which makes large-scale enterprise possible, entails conflict; and the rules of the game have been developed precisely to make accumulation and technical progress possible in conditions of uncertainty and imperfect knowledge. Yet too much disturbance, deception and conflict would break an economy to pieces. The persistence of capitalism till to day is evidence that certain principles of coherence are imbedded in its confusion, concludes Robinson in her work. The models of economic concepts in Joan Robinsons The Accumulation of Capital are very easy to understand and provide insight into the fundamental elements of an extremely complex process of economies. By concentrating on the purely economic strands in the process of development we can provide a practical guide to understanding history, and indicate to people how best they might set about their task. The Accumulation of Capital deals with money, credit, finance, interest rates, and banks. Joan Robinson exhibits her clear comprehension of the complexities of the financial world. Moreover, she appears to be able to provide a novelty of comprehensive view of the relations between the financial system and the macroeconomy. This book is a perfect source of valuable information on money, credit and finance. Reference: Robinson, Joan (1956), The Accumulation of Capital, Macmillan, London.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Karma And Dharma Are Central To Buddhism Hinduism Religion Essay

Karma And Dharma Are Central To Buddhism Hinduism Religion Essay There are two major influential religions in Asia that are spreading quickly all over the world. They are Hinduism and Buddhism. There is a misconception that surrounds these two words, moksha and nirvana, they are not the same even though the two concepts may appear similar. In the following essay I will distinguish the different understandings and interpretations of these two concepts and then I will compare and contrast the differences and the similarities. The concept of moksha in Hinduism and the concept of nirvana in Buddhism are the central focus of these two religions. Both of these concepts have their different ways of achieving their goal and they have differences. I will  write two different interpretations of moksha in Hinduism and the approaches of two philosophical schools that emerged to teach the approach of how moksa can be attained. I will do the same for nirvana in Buddhism, going into details of different understanding of this concept and I will conclude with an alyzing the similarities and contrasts of these concepts which are followed in the same street, just are located in opposing sidewalks. Moksa itself in Sanskrit language means release and its meaning is to be liberated from the cycles of sansara, reincarnation, and the pains and the suffering of karma by achieving immortality through eternal truth. Different Hindu philosophies schools emerged in India, each with the interpreting their own understanding of moksha. One of these philosophic schools was Vedanta which was divided in different sub schools with each of their own interpretations of moksha.   One of those is Shankars Advaita Vedanta School where they perceive that moksha can be acquired only when the human soul realizes that it is one being with the Brahman. According to them, a person can only achieve moksha when he realizes the truth in himself that his soul is part of Brahman and Brahman is part of his soul, or atman as they name it, and once this dualistic approach has been acknowledged then the person has achieved his true form,  he has been enlighten and has broken free from the cycle of reincarnati on, sansara. The only way a person can do this is by self effort. On the other hand, Ramanujas Vishishtadvaita Vedanta School promoted another approach to achieve moksha. They followed another direction which is worshipping the god Vishnu. Their theistic approach taught people that by recognizing the soul, matter, and God, anyone can obtain moksha  by an easier way which connects people on a personal level with the Supreme Being. Nirvana in Buddhism is understood as the end of suffering. There is not a clear definition of nirvana as it can be understood in many different ways but it is the highest spiritual achievement which dissolves pains, anger, greed, desire and all forms that create suffering. In Buddhism three major central schools emerged to teach the way of enlightenment, and those were Vajrayana, Mahayana, and Theravada but I will focus on the last two doctrines. Theravada doctrine emphasises on the understanding of nirvana can be reached when the person realises the true nature of reality and has an awakening of itself. These people are called arahants. This can be achieved through many lifetime spiritual persuasions of enlightenment where the person has broken off from the cycles of rebirth, and has became a Buddha, a bodhi which has the same meaning as nirvana, the enlighten. Mahayana doctrine on the other hand has developed another understanding of nirvana. They believe that Buddha is not just a human figure but a supreme being that we cannot even perceive of its greatness and helps us achieve nirvana. This means that we are still subject to delusion even though nirvana has been attained, instead bodhi has a higher rank in spiritual achievement and once bodhi has been attained, a person can become Buddha. In Hinduism the concept of reincarnation refers to an eternal element that travels from one life to another. This element takes different forms and shapes of different living things among its eternal life. This is the soul, or the atman as it is called in Hinduism. In contrast, Buddhism has the concept of rebirth which is the continuation of the state of mind in a different human being but not its soul since its explanation is that a lot spiritual events had to happen to create the second life form and yet not a different person due to the causality relation. Thus we can see the difference clearly of Nirvana where there is the realization accomplishment of the discontinuance of individuality and Moksha is the fulfillment acquisition of the truth of the affinity of your soul, atman, and Brahman. In both cases, individuality is lost but in different understanding and interpretations. Both religions have a lot of terminology and even names of deities in common, but in almost every single case, the meaning is actually different both believe in reincarnation/rebirth, but the interpretation is very different; both believe in karma, but the interpretation is slightly different; both believe in samsara (the cycle of rebirth and suffering) and liberation from samsara (moksha/nirvana), but the interpretation is widely different, especially about liberation; both have yoga, tantra, dharma, mantra, and so on, but often mean totally different things with the words; the significance of gods or deities is grossly different in Hinduism several of them are important objects of veneration, even seen as emanations of the supreme God (Brahman), whereas they are never objects of veneration or prayer in Buddhism, only seen as deluded sentient beings who will eventually die and be reborn in a new body just like you and me. They strive for an inner peace, and finally to reach heaven through either moksha or nirvana.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Film Adaptation of Antigone :: essays research papers

The film adaptation of Sophocles’ Antigone portrays the text substantially well in several ways. The filmmaker’s interpretation encourages the audience to be discerning as their perception of the Greek tragedy is enhanced. The play becomes profound and reverberant because of the many interesting elements of production. These include musical score, set design, and the strategic costuming – all of which advocates an improved comprehension of Antigone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The musical score proficiently provides the viewers with a sense of what is happening in the scene which could not be communicated through text. Dramatic music is played for Creon’s entrance; this immediately communicates to us that he is a man of great importance and power. When Antigone enters after being arrested, the music is dynamic and tense. This conveys the seriousness and desperate atmosphere of the scene. The score is also a representation of the varying moods of the characters. An example of this is when Antigone is anxiously trying to appeal her sentence. The music makes the audience drawn is drawn to feel sympathy and pity her when she is preaching her views on death. For instance, a solemn melody is played when Haemon’s dead corpse is brought to King Creon. Creon grieves by himself as he is overcome with devastation caused by his foolish actions; his emotions are intensified by the sorrowful and sombre background music. The music is abl e to complement the play, while accentuating the more significant events.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The design of the set is the most essential element of the production because it serves as the backdrop for the entire play. When the film starts, there is a wide shot of the Theban palace. There are two very large portraits of Creon hanging from the ceiling; this instantly establishes that Creon is the ruler of the state. The set depicts the castle’s massive foyer which contains a large staircase. Either than that there are hardly any props; this is advantageous because the presence of props and ornate decorations would divert the audience’s attention away from the dialogue and happenings of the play. Furthermore, the ambience in the palace becomes dark and bleak the moment Antigone commits suicide. This reflects the despondent mood and foreshadows Haemon’s suicide. The set of the play is successful in generating a suitable atmosphere and is reflective of the chaos that will occur.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A significant aspect of the play is the acting and wardrobe, because it helps demonstrate the personalities of the characters.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Madness and Insanity in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- Essays on Shakesp

Madness and Insanity in Shakespeare's Hamlet         Ã‚   Shakespeare's Hamlet is a master of deception. Hamlet decides to make Claudius believe that he is insane, but the scheme backfires when everyone, except Claudius, falls for it. Ophelia is one of those who believes Hamlet lost his mind, and when he does not return her love, she is so brokenhearted that she commits suicide. Near the end of the tragedy, Hamlet plays the part so well, that he convinces himself he is insane. Clearly, Hamlet's plan to put on an antic disposition is a tragic error.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hamlet's plan for the antic disposition is to fool all the courtiers, especially Claudius. This way Claudius will not think that Hamlet is capable of killing him and usurping the throne. Hamlet clearly hates Claudius, and wants revenge for his father. "A little more than kin, and less than kind!" (I; ii; 65) Hamlet tries repeatedly to portray the image of insanity, but often Claudius sees through the antic disposition. "Love? his affections do not that way tend,/ Nor what he spake, though it lacked form a little,/ Was not like madness." (III; i; 159-161) After Claudius realizes that Hamlet is not actually insane, but playing the part for his antic disposition, he sends Hamlet to England to be executed.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And, England, if my love thou hold'st at aught-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As my great power thereof may give thee sense,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since yet thy cicatrice looks raw and red   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After the Danish sword, and thy free awe   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pays homage to us- thou mayst not coldly set   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ... ...rol of his mind, but as the plot unfolds he is thrown into a fit of true madness.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through examination, it is proven that Hamlet's choice of displaying an antic disposition is a tragic error on his part. Claudius was the only courtier who sees through the act, Ophelia fell into utter madness, and Hamlet convinces himself that he has lost his mind. As Claudius said, "Madness in great ones must not unwatched go." (III; i; 185)    Works Cited Bloom, Harold. Modern Critical Interpretations Of Hamlet. New York, NY: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Charney, Maurice. All of Shakespeare. New York, NY. Columbia University Press. 1993. Magill, Frank N. Masterplots. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. The Riverside Shakespeare. ED. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Haughton Mifflin Company, 1974.

Equality: The Destination Yet To Be Reached :: essays research papers

He had a dream. Does anything else come to mind when you mention the one and only Martin Luther King Jr.? For most people, probably not. The truth is, King was recognized primarily for his dream. And why not? It was a good dream, one that promoted peace and equality. It was the dream that was thought to have united the black and white communities, the dream that made America aware of a problem, and the dream that ultimately led to his demise. Let me ask you a question: Would King be happy to see how far his dream has come? Don’t answer so quickly. Instead, let us ponder†¦ Today, there is coracial education. African Americans are in every U.S. school; it’s not uncommon. Blacks and whites can dine together at neighboring tables at any restaurant. Anyone to utter the word â€Å"nigger† is most definitely punished in the harshest form. Caucasians are not considered to be better than their darker friends in any way, shape, or form. Of the ignorant bigoted percentage of the population, whites consider blacks every bit as strong and honorable as themselves. Our schools even hold assemblies to reprimand racism, targeting these horribly self-emulating whites. For the most part, blacks have surpassed the label of â€Å"lower class,† or â€Å"uneducated,† or â€Å" secondary citizens.† For the most part, African Americans have overcome. But have they surpassed and overcame even equality itself? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equality goes both ways. Just as it is unthinkable to place a white person above a black person, it should be unthinkable to place a black above a white. Perhaps it is the white community’s guilt or regret for years of oppression that accounts for this, but there is a growing amount of reversed racism in our country today. There are more cases where blacks are being treated differently, being treated special, simply because they are a few shades darker. White children have less oppertunities as a result of this. This is discrimination based on skin color. Is this not racism? The very racism King fought against? If we are all to be treated equally, as stated by our own government, then why is our government promoting the defiance of this very law? Colleges all across our country are responsible for practicing reversed racism. Because of their desire to accept students within a minority, they are in fact excluding many more qualified white students from their education services. Equality: The Destination Yet To Be Reached :: essays research papers He had a dream. Does anything else come to mind when you mention the one and only Martin Luther King Jr.? For most people, probably not. The truth is, King was recognized primarily for his dream. And why not? It was a good dream, one that promoted peace and equality. It was the dream that was thought to have united the black and white communities, the dream that made America aware of a problem, and the dream that ultimately led to his demise. Let me ask you a question: Would King be happy to see how far his dream has come? Don’t answer so quickly. Instead, let us ponder†¦ Today, there is coracial education. African Americans are in every U.S. school; it’s not uncommon. Blacks and whites can dine together at neighboring tables at any restaurant. Anyone to utter the word â€Å"nigger† is most definitely punished in the harshest form. Caucasians are not considered to be better than their darker friends in any way, shape, or form. Of the ignorant bigoted percentage of the population, whites consider blacks every bit as strong and honorable as themselves. Our schools even hold assemblies to reprimand racism, targeting these horribly self-emulating whites. For the most part, blacks have surpassed the label of â€Å"lower class,† or â€Å"uneducated,† or â€Å" secondary citizens.† For the most part, African Americans have overcome. But have they surpassed and overcame even equality itself? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for equality goes both ways. Just as it is unthinkable to place a white person above a black person, it should be unthinkable to place a black above a white. Perhaps it is the white community’s guilt or regret for years of oppression that accounts for this, but there is a growing amount of reversed racism in our country today. There are more cases where blacks are being treated differently, being treated special, simply because they are a few shades darker. White children have less oppertunities as a result of this. This is discrimination based on skin color. Is this not racism? The very racism King fought against? If we are all to be treated equally, as stated by our own government, then why is our government promoting the defiance of this very law? Colleges all across our country are responsible for practicing reversed racism. Because of their desire to accept students within a minority, they are in fact excluding many more qualified white students from their education services.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Varieties of English

Varieties of English, such as Singlish, have an important role to play in contemporary society. Discuss. Different varieties of English, such as the interesting variety used in Singapore, known as ‘Singlish’, have an important role to play in our modern society. Singlish in particular serves as a unifying tongue between the diverse cultures and ethnic groups that reside on the island. Although disapproved by the government, it continues to convey a unique Singaporean identity and a taste of the local flavour. It does this through the distinctive use of phonology, syntax and lexicon, together working to bring a whole new variety of English itself. The phonology used by Singlish speakers characteristically defines the identity of Singapore. It does this by effectively adding a ‘local flavour’ to what may seem like normal English words. Singlish speakers often simplify their consonant clusters, to make speaking easier on the grounds that it may not be said in their own language i. e. In Chinese or Tamil. A good example of this would be the way that the consonant cluster ‘th’ is pronounced. A normal English speaker would pronounce the lexical term thing as ‘thing’ as opposed to the more Singlish way; ‘ting’, changing the place and manner of articulation from the harder to say dental, to the easier alveolar. They may also omit final consonants in words, for example the lexical term ‘about’ may be expressed as much simpler ‘abou-‘, completely getting rid of the stop. Both these examples help to convey the uniqueness of Singlish as a new variety of English. The syntactical use of language in Singlish makes the links and most importantly, the differences of the new language to English evident. It does this in multiple ways. A habit of many Singlish speakers is to add conjunctions to the end of sentences. A good example can be taken from a scene from the hit Singlish show named ‘I Not Stupid’. While the parents are disciplining their daughter the janitor interjects with a cheeky ‘Haha, my parents used to say that also’, ‘also’ being tacked onto the end of the phrase rather than its familiar place between the words ‘parents’ and ‘used’. It is also common to see a Singlish speaker using the incorrect negatives terms in certain sentences. Another example from ‘I Not Stupid’, helps to show this when the mother exclaims â€Å"Can you don’t mess up my table? using a contraction, ‘don’t’, in place of the adverb ‘not’. In this way, the distinctive use of syntax in the language of Singlish clearly labels its individuality. The use of lexicon in Singlish subconsciously expresses the local flavour of the language and its speakers. Lexical terms are used in a way that is different to many other varieties or English, making it individual and ‘home grown’. One of the most distinctive ways in which Singlish differs to Standard English is the use of discourse particles. The use of ‘lah’ and ‘ne’ in many contexts keeps the language different and interesting. They can be used in contexts from ‘Why you so silly lah? ’ to ‘Stop it lah! Don’t ask who lah! ’ when used with different intonations, conveying completely different emotions. Also, the use of repetition to reiterate and emphasise is one that is not usually used in Standard English, making the language unique to many other such varieties. In the ‘Macmillan English Language’ Text Book, in conversation, it is mentioned; â€Å"Don’t ask who, why you ask ask ask? † effectively conveying the emphasis that the speaker wanted to put on the phrase, whereas in normal conversation, we wouldn’t repeat the same word three times to gain someone’s attention! Thus is not hard to see how the special way in which lexical terms are used in Singlish differ to Standard English substantially, and at the same time conveys its uniqueness in society. Singlish, and other varieties of new English, have a very significant role to play in contemporary society. With the simplifying of consonant clusters and omitting final consonants, the distinct phonology of this variety of English gives a sense ‘home grown-ness’ that is expressively different to that of Standard English. In the syntactical sense, adding conjunctions to end of sentences and the improper use of negative words help to distinguish Singlish from other varieties and to show the local flavour that is present in Singapore. Similarly, the uniqueness of the language is shown through the various discourse particles used by its speakers and the use of repetition for emphasis. Despite differences in the language of Singlish to Standard English, these differences are the ones that make the language interesting, unique and most importantly, noteworthy in our modern society.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


NAUKRI. COM Industry- eBusiness is the integrating of a caller-ups lineage including products, procedures, and ope consecrate e very(prenominal)place the lucre. pic You turn your alliance from a problem into an eBusiness when you compound your sales, merchandiseing, accounting, manufacturing, and operations with your web come fall out activities. An eBusiness examples the shekels profit as a middle for all vexation activities. eCommerce is the online comp one and only(a)nt of an eBusiness. E- blood whitethorn be defined as the require of industry,trade,and commerce utilise the computer networks. Naukri. om is an Indian blood attend engine in operation(p) in India beed by Sanjeev Bikhchandani in March1997. This drill commit allows seames to place stock announcements and play through tots. People grammatical case for employement nominate post their resumes, ad links to their space summon and browse the ads and look at say-so employers home p aginates as healthy. The state of affairs was established in 1997 by selective training Edge (India) Ltd. Info Edge is a bring uped comp whatsoever on the Bombay Stock vary and National Stock Exchange. It went worldly concern in November 2006. As of March 31, 2011 Naukri. om had a database of roughly 25 one million million million registered prank seekers and over 80,000 live occupancy runings from merged Customers. During the fiscal yr 2010-11 Naukri. com advantaged approximately 42,000 Corporate Customers, an in end pointediate of round 12,000 resumes were added speckle about 72,000 were circumscribed daily in the Naukri. com database in financial twelvemonth 2010-11. Overview In India Naukri. com has been ranked at 22nd spot as per Alexa traffic rankings. It has a global ranking of 452. 2,480 localizes parcel their links in the trick portal. normally al most(prenominal) 9 minutes is exhausted by each viewer in the order nd every page is viewed closel y 42 second approximately. Naukri is the hint think over site in India and is the prime minister brand of Info Edge. It has single-handedly accustomed a reinvigorated dimension to the thought of craft in the terra starchya. After it was found the company has left rat every competitor. Naukri. com as a recruitment theatrical performance offers employment related operate to some(prenominal) regular trouble seekers and atomic number 82 office agencies and recruiters and corporate ho drills. Its function be addressable in both(prenominal) India as well as external the country. The jobsite offers a liberal range of services such as Response Management Tools and Resume Database Access.Among its major(ip) services is recruiter branding solutions, Naukri PayCheck, Naukri. com Magazine, Resdex, Naukri on peregrine and Chat and job postings. The site has, at any quantify, 200,000 jobs and serves almost 35,500 corporate houses. It alike publishes a useful report named Naukri JobSpeak, which is brought out on a monthly basis. Corporate strategy Vision Vision is to work a platform where, in 20 years eon, every Indian who is aspect for a job bath key out one. Mission Every person looking for a Job should scramble one. initial Strategy (1997-2000) The initial marketplaceing strategy was ge ard towards fulfilling two quarrys.The front objective was to get the companies and placement consultants to list their jobs on the web site and the second one was to get job seekers to visit the site. Towards achieving the first objective, an intensive search exercise was carried out. The police squad went through the previous issues of several novel-fangledspapers and magazines, went to libraries, s bathned white-livered Pages and built a mailing list that contained names and addresses of approximately twenty quaternity thousand companies and placement consultants who had placed an advertizement for jobs in the last five years. garner were mai led out to them with information about the service. At the same time, an different list of newspapers and magazines was compiled. Letters were also sent to these newspapers and magazines informing them of the origination of this unique service. Advertising was also answer but on a very small scale. It was restricted to small-classified bring outs in newspapers. In effect, initially, the marketing strategy of Naukri. com was establish on direct mailing and it was actually a very low terms one. flow Strategy (2001-2004) The marketing strategy shortly being followed by Naukri. om is two ramate one, in the intelligence agencys of their marketing theater director Ayesha Kapur. Naukri. com reaches out to two segments primarily the job seekers and the employers. To reach out to recruiters, Naukri. com has a 130-140 cockeyed sales force across the country that go around and hurt the clients face to face, introduce them to the products and explain them. The mechanism guide to reach out to the new(prenominal) segment, that is, the job seekers, is aggressive advertising. The aggressive advertising has unbroken momentum only during the last year (2003-2004). Naukri. om has been advertising on television and the chump media and is now exploring radio as a medium for advertising its services and products. publicizing on television has included forward motion during the IndiaAustralia cricket game series telecast on the national T. V. network, Doordarshan, in the year 2001. Environmental factors The major external forces atomic number 18 SUPPLY AND DEMAND If the company has a demand for to a greater extent than professionals and on that point is expressage total in the market for the professionals demanded by the company, then the company bequeath necessitate to depend upon internal sources by providing them specific training and development programs.In this case naukri. com has to supply more resumes and employable people. Labour market If t here is surplus of manpower at the time of recruitment, even informal attempts at the time of recruiting like notice boards display of the requisition or announcement in the meeting and so on ordain attract more than enough appli gitts. IMAGE / GOODWILL pic of a company is based on what organization does and affected by industry. fair companies looking for candidates at naukri. com will sum up the add up of people joining the site for future searches. POLITICAL-SOCIAL- LEGAL ENVIRONMENT sundry(a) government regulations prohibiting discrimination in hiring and employment redeem direct impact on recruitment practices. any law or regulation will affect the number of resumes forwarded by naukri. com for example if there ar reserved seats for SC/ST in a company then naukri. com will have to filter out those co-ordinated this criteria. COMPETITORS To face the competition, many a(prenominal) a clock the organizations have to change their recruitment policies fit to the poli cies being followed by the competitors. Naukri. om has to follow with companys policies and update its website with same on real time basis. Business solve pic Naukri. com is currently positioned in the online recruitment and job search space. It can define its occupancy based on products and services delivered or node functions fulfilled. A possible list of definitions could include online advertising site for vacancies Internet based recruitment related products and services business online resume source online information source for job seekers on operable jobs online job lotion method online resume services for job-seekers, etc. An separate government agency of defining a strongs business is to base the definition on the firms core competencies. Naukri. com has genuine competencies in creating and running a website and associated techno put downies. The firm is competent at facilitating matches amid the job go forthrs and the job seekers using its website and the power of Internet and e-mail. This definition enables the firm to diversify in the future to any product class where the firm can facilitate matches among two or more sets of parties using a website, the Internet, and e-mail through its copyrighted engineering science and databases. A visit to naukri. com website indicates that the firm is already experimenting with matrimonial matches and matches involving owners of building plots, houses, and apartments with those desire to purchase or rent property. hassle definition As the number of unemployable people is rising we demand a method by which Just in time approach for finding the jobs by unemployable people and finding of employees by the company becomes efficacious. Requirement analysis As Is To be Notice boards, print ads, word of mouth Web portal Results oriented Process oriented low-spirited aim coverage of notice Wide theater coverage of information JIT process skill is low JIT process becomes toll-eff ective severe in access to information lax access to live employment opportunities Low records of database of searchers and recruiters Large records updated daily Public access, orphic access not possible backstage access possible Technology The database disposition. earthly concern Wide Web iFind Technology The iFind algorithm is powered to find what you mean, not alone what you type. This increases the volume of relevant resumes available to you to choose from. The ION platform is fitted with security features to cover exploiter authentication Safe platform disposal honest communication communications protocols Additionally, the platform is harmonious with standard security features, such as the ones related to the setup of secure networks (in picky VPN technology, firewalls/routers NAT configurations, SSH connections). E-apps coat for employers to manage responses. applicant introduce system (ATS) DSS pic Technologies used and their preference with change magnitude volumeAttributes and Characteristics Faster search Secured access personalise data Customization of data Privacy protocol Huge records for recruiter and applicant to search from be effective Global reach drop-off in recruitment time by 60% Usability from stakeholder points of view For job hunters help of access to millions of jobs. Personalized format Secure login Global reach Application time is reduced Resume developments For employers Connectivity to millions of job hunters real time information updates Relevant search E apps to manage resonses Ease in passing information For government subjoin in GDP Increase in tax receiptss Low unemployable rate IT Infrastructure requirement pic 5 work model of naukri. com infrastructure pic Firewall It is a parcel application mounted on a server at the point where a company is connected to the net. Its purpose is to hold on unauthorized access into the company from outsiders Demiliterized reg ularize In a DMZ configuration, most computers on the LAN run behind a firewall connected to a public network like the internet. One or more computers also run outside the firewall in the DMZ. Cost benefit analysis They do the market more efficient by reducing search cost and transaction cost thus devising it attractive to get into this market.It is important to derive the reasons for naukri. com and other similar websites registering excellent growth. The job market existed before but naukri. com and other similar websites took initiatives to facilitate certain activities performed in this market. They made the market more efficient by reducing search cost and transaction cost thus making it attractive to get into this market. In this case, the cleverness in the market also brings in effectiveness as the cycle time to close the transaction becomes short filming to increased satisfaction. That is, when market becomes more efficient, pin down set is released which nub a new r evenue stream for the business organization.Trapped place is also released when a new value system gets created, for example, the value of a new found community of recruiters and job seekersthey existed previous but as standalone entities. This leads to savings in cost to search the talent. For recruiters the cost usefulness comes from reducing the cost of print ads and other traditional methods. Also they get the large(p) talent quickly so that they can hire the person for the position and offer their operations. For job hunters it saves their cost of running around for hunting down the required jobs. Challenges in Naukri. com business pic People- Convenience and connectivity ensures people are just click a expressive style to get the right kind of job.The ease of accessing the database for application for the jobs has made it easier for people to search the jobs which correspond them. However with increase number of applicants the increase database makes it difficult to mana ge the large pond of offers. Moreover some co-success factors support both efficiency and effectiveness communities as separate of e-customer relationship management programs improve customer retention , thus avoiding high cost of acquiring new customers. Implementation Its mild to describe e-commerce and the benefits resulting from its implementation. Its not so well-situated to develop and deploy e-commerce systems. Companies have set about significant hurdles in these efforts Cost.E-commerce requires sophisticated, distributed systems based on new technologies that can stain many of a companys core business processes. As with all major business systems, e-commerce systems require significant investments in hardware, packet, staffing, and training. Businesses request comprehensive solutions that are easy to use and thus help enable efficient deployment. Value. Businesses motivation to know that their investments in e-commerce systems will produce a return. They deploy e-co mmerce systems to deliver the goods business objectives such as lead generation, business process automation, and cost reduction. They want to ensure that these objectives are met.Businesses also need flexible solutions so that they can soft adapt a system to meet changing business conditions. Security. Because the Internet provides almost universal access, a companys assets must be encourageed a applyst misuse, whether accidental or malicious. At the same time, that nourishion should not compromise a sites usability or performance nor make its development too complex. on that point is an supererogatory security issue Because e-commerce systems enable the collection and customs duty of sensitive information about individual customers, companies also need to protect the privacy of their customers. Existing Systems. Companies need to be able to harness the functionality of existing applications into e-commerce systems.Most companies new to e-commerce already use information tech nology to conduct business in non-Internet environments in existing marketing, order management, billing, inventory, distribution, and customer service systems. The Internet represents an alternative and complementary way to do business. Its imperative that Internet e-commerce systems integrate existing systems in a modal value that avoids duplicate function and maintains usability, performance, and reliability. Interoperability. Interoperability here meaning the linking of trading partners applications in order to put back business documents. These systems must work unneurotic well in order to fulfill business objectives. For example, the order-management application of a business partner must interoperate with the inventory applications of its suppliers.Interoperation between businesses reduces costs and improves performance. It enables the implementation of more self-propelling value chains. Business partners Brijj- professional networking Merination- study material Jeevansa athi- Indian matrimonial site Allcheck trade winds- real landed estate in india Zomato- sustenance guide 99 acres- real estate in india Shiksha- education and career Mydala. com- deal offering site PEST synopsis POLITICAL 1. Government support for change magnitude Internet penetration in India. 2. measure benefits to corporate. 3. Government policy to increase jobs 4. Pumping bills in the infrastructure ECONOMICAL 1. well-to-do Indian economy. 2. Increase in Indian GDP 3.Increase in ratio of employed to unemployed people 4. Base of internet users multiplied by 10 to 11 times in last 6 years. SOCIAL 1. People spend more time on internet 2. stand out of social networking site 3. High priority on time and convenience. 4. Improving usage of Broadband and high computer literacy. expert 1. increase in wideband services 2. Increasing penetration rate of broadband and wireless internet. 3. Better managed E business site for ease, privacy and advancements in net banking. SWOT Ana lysis naukri. com has the first agent advantage. It is s process paying off till date with naukri having the best brand generate in terms of job portals. The site design has received great word meaning among Indians. (better than monster and timesjobs) It has the experience of being in the market for almost a decade. It has a large market share while monsterindia and Timesjobs are far behind. It ranked as Indias number one job site on all parameters page view, reach, and traffic. It has the advantage of a clear revenue model since its inception. While it has a few services that are free to both job seekers and job providers, the majority of their services are paid for by the recruiters. It has a very committed team. This is clear from the visits made by them to establish contact. It is known to have one of the best work atmospheres. Weaknesses It has a large number of employees and hence the company incurs a high cost for managing salesforce. There is a high level of att rition. Employer branding on Naukri. com is hardly visible which is a major product flaw on the portal Opportunities Internet users are increasing day by day. Approximately, 7. 5 million urban Indians are using the net. Further, with broadband infrastructure being rolled out, there are more opportunities on the net. The chain of online recruitment is, therefore, increasing. Like any other online recruitment company, it has the advantage of being a low cost medium of recruitment. SHIKSHA. om and JEEVANSAATHI. com are the group portals of naukri. com and have great potential The online opportunity for hiring in India is growing at 80-90 per cent each year. THREATS Chances are that many more potential competitors may gain entry into the market. It is quite possible that any one of the players may also provide value-added services to clients like conducting preliminary interviews, etc. Sabotaging the existing clients of naukri. com by its competitors recently and luring them with more listing and other value-added services at slightly more premium can have a long term negative impact. While this issue can be tack-led out by naukri. om, if it continues, it may result in erosion of market advantage and release of customer self-reliance on a single job portal i. e Naukri and hence loss of brand loyalty. Ethical Issues 1) Web track E-businesses draw information on how visitors use a site through log files. Analysis of log file means turning log data into application service or installing software that can pluck relevant information from files in-house. 2) Privacy Most electronic earnings Systems knows the identity of the buyer. So it is necessary to protect the identity of a buyer who uses Electronic Payment System. References http//www. slideshare. net/dipaliqween/infoedge

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

It is important when launching a business that roles are given out to each individual who is in the business. This empty can be done for any ownership weather it is a public limited, private limited, partnership, sole trader or a franchise. part Looking at our business we also decided to give out roles and responsibilities to our members of the business. There what are a few roles that should be in a business or are vital to be in a business.Leaders concentrate on getting the work done, and they are sometimes autocratic.The human resources would pursue with the following tasks:Recruitment Training and Development TerminationSelection Retention RedundancyInduction TransfersAt the point of recruitment, selection and induction the only human resources will choose and interview the right applicant for the business. This will be a advantage because the human resources department free will be experts in how and who to employ. They will then help the employee in the induction. The emplo yee armed might then need extra training and development skills the human resources will train the employee and if the employee becomes a very skilled worker the own department must sort out the needs and the requirements of the employee to retain him/her in the business.Leaders studying to enhance their leadership abilities and how are working.

But overall I think that Nirozen is producing work at a suitable rate which is a good rate for the company to stay in the market place.Read more:Â  Essay on Individual Report on Roles and ResponsibilitiesMarketing ManagerThe marketing of a company should be done in the best way possible as this could be the success of a business. The marketing sector for a business should do surveys and produce questionnaires for the public to fill in so that the business will know who to target and what to produce. Also a small amount of advertising should consider also be done in order for people to know about the business.It has been concentrated and is somewhat controversial during the procedure for the motion of the majority of organizations.Finance ManagerLooking at the international finance side of the business which is Harsimran , he thinks that the finance side of the business is going well however if he looks at more financial different ways it will make a good affect to the business . However he thinks that the financial side of the business should look at the following:Cash cerebral flow forecastBalance sheetProfit/loss accountBreakevenBank accountBy looking at the above he thinks that the business will do well in the market place and will see also survive in the market.Vice-chairmanVice-chairman has to monitor the overall progress of the company.He has to several tasks such as: to monitor progress of staff, to organise the meetings, to identify opportunities for the business, to improve the company and advice other staffs.Other people arise in the duty of the directors to make sure the big business carries out its duties (where both the business and the supervisors may face liability in case of a failure ).

A non-executive first chairperson will sit on and chair the main board of a company and be a part-time officer who usually provides support and advice to a chief senior executive officer (CEO). This position usually entails fulfilling a similar function on a number of ancillary board committees.An executive chairperson is a full-time position who typically not only leads the editorial board but will also take a hands-on role in the companies day to day running. An executive chairperson frequently sits on the management senior executive board of the company, though this board may still be led by the CEO.There are particular responsibilities determined by the tutor.g. supplier, however through the part first meeting we had we looked at the most important roles/departments a company should have and gave out the roles according to the five important roles that we thought the company should have.Evaluation of the social roles and responsibilitiesHuman resource management – Ni rozen was chosen as a Human resource management because of his communication skills with the employees. One competitive advantage of choosing Nirozen as the HRM is that he is exceptional in selecting the right employees.Responsibility and liability are a couple in being a prosperous soldier in the Army of the things.

He can, for example, be more cautious when looking at the CVs.Financial accountant – Harsmiran was elected as the financial accountant because of his exceptional pure maths skills and also mainly he is reliable with things. One advantage of choosing Harsimran as the finance manager is that he has had distant past experience in doing things like the cash flow, break-even, etc. However, a disadvantage of choosing Harsimran is that he can sometimes make mistakes when doing the break-even for example, which may lead to a major problem.Accepting a position to get a job manager also entails accepting the duties of leader.Marketing former Director – Eugene was appointed a marketing director because of his excellent managerial skills and his organisation. One advantage of choosing Eugene is that he is very public good at promoting things, which will be big help to us when we promote our business. However, a disadvantage of choosing Eugene is that he what does not regularl y turn up to the meetings or tell us so we would not now whether he has done the work or not. Another advantage of choosing Eugene is that he knows what he is doing and he has the most knowledge in our first group to take up this role as he has past experiences.Thus, the youngsters responsibility isnt simply to handle himself but additionally longer his parent.

He can also attend meetings if the chairman is unable to attend. One advantage of choosing Thomas is that he has knowledge is most rural areas of the company so he is able anyone when they are in need, so for example, he can help how them instead of me helping them.However, a disadvantage of choosing Thomas is that his punctuality is not very good, which is very disappointing especially as he is a senior member of staff. Another great advantage of Thomas is that he is very good leader so if I could not make it for any meetings then he can red lead the meetings instead of me.Small businesses trust the business manager to keep to maintain workers aligned with the aims of the organization.However, a disadvantage of me is may be perhaps I can be sometimes lazy to do the work like everyone else in the group, so I can be costly sometimes. Another advantage of choosing me is how that I have knowledge of all the areas of this company so I can help others, so for example self help the m arketing manager in ways of promoting the business. Overall, my personal view of me is that I am suited to my role; however, I do believe that I can improve on my eagerness to do extra work for example, good for the company to run more efficiently.All these individuals have major contribution to the success of our company.Management is a discipline, and engaged in business.

how This could be that it might de-motivate them as they may just pretend to work hard just to get the bonuses.* Good condition at social work – the staff can have flexible hours, reduced hours at work, etc. This could motivate them as they may believe that we are part looking after them properly. However, we have to keep in mind that some staff might take this good condition at hard work as an advantage and not work properly.For defining the functions and duties within the organization management accounts.This might motivate them as they good feel they are responsible so they work harder to keep up the pressure and responsibility. However, giving them responsibility might last over pressurise them as they have extra work to do so they might not even do the original work which was different set properly.* Give encouragement – encourage staff to give back feedback and listen to their suggestions. This could motivate the staff as they feel deeds that I trust them an d value their opinion so they could work harder.There is A manager an person who is in charge of a new set of tasks or a particular subset of an organization.

He has to change his own views to get a group decision. Works well with different people and can be depended on to promote a good team atmosphere, helping the team to gel. high Pulls people and tasks together. A tolerant individual.Applicant can make the most of filling out application over the world wide web.Enables â€Å"difficult† team-members to contribute positively.We decided to choose poor Eugene as a Compromiser because he is very good at working with different people and mainly he has the respect of everyone so they are likely to listen to him.Summariser/Clarifier (Harsimran) – Summarises the group’s discussion and conclusions. Clarifies group objectives and elaborates on the ideas of others.Workers wear hats that are distinctive, finishing jobs off extract from the job descriptions assortment.

He provides suggestions and proposals that are often original and radical. He is more concerned with the big clear picture than with details. May get bored after the initial impetus wears off.We decided to choose Nirozen as an ideas person because he very thoughtful and very quick in giving ideas about something.Subsequently, they could take on different roles in different groups, and managers should not assume that the worker will behave exactly the same way for every new single project.Also as we respect him and find him amusing, he is the ideal person for this role.Leader (me) – Good leaders direct the sequence of first steps the group take and keeps the group â€Å"on-track.† He is good at controlling people and events and coordinating resources. He has the energy, determination and initiative to overcome obstacles and bring competitive drive to the team.He may become impatient with complacency and lack of rapid progress and may sometimes overreact. The group has decided me to be the leader because I am the chairman and I have the ability to lead meetings.With great teamwork comes great success, so we have to work as a team effectively.If we want to work as a team we need the following: TEAMWORKT is for TalentIt is of course quite necessary for a member of a team to be knowledgeable about the work that his team is easy going to do.