Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The passover (pesach) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The passover (pesach) - Research Paper Example However, Christians in contemporary society celebrate this feast. The feast is associated with the exodus of Jews from Egypt after over 200 hundred years under the Egyptian slavery. Moreover, the feast is used to pay homage to Moses for leading the Israelites out of Egypt. The Passover celebrations start on the 15th day of Jewish month of Nissan. The festival lasts for seven to eight days. For the first two days, the Jews were not supposed to do any work and are supposed to engage in a celebration called Seder. Observance of Seder entails eating certain foods, singing praise songs and certain special prayers are said. This research paper will discuss the Passover festival and how it has evolved with time. The Origin and History of the Pesach The term Pesach is also used to refer to the lamb, which the Hebrews used to slaughter for the Passover sacrifice. The Passover which is also referred to as the feast of unleavened bread, dates back about 3,000 years and is associated with an ast onishing event when the Israelites were rescued from slavery under the Egyptian Pharaoh. As recorded in the book of exodus, God had ordered the Hebrews to slaughter paschal lamb, which they were supposed to eat with bitter herbs. Moreover, they were supposed to spread some blood from the lamb on their doorposts, which was supposed to act as a sign so that the angel of death would pass over the Egyptian houses. It was during that night that the angel of death killed the first-born males of humans and animals in Egyptian households. This was the tenth plague after nine other plagues had failed to persuade Pharaoh to free the Hebrews (Piercy 15-19). Hebrews were also supposed to eat the roasted lamb with bitter herbs and unleavened bread. Each family was supposed to slaughter a lamb but the unmarried and small households were allowed to share a lamb. The Hebrews were supposed to eat while dressed in readiness to leave at any moment. Even today, the Jews strongly uphold the Passover. Th ey hold Seder and eat foods that symbolize the different aspects of the story. Such foods include unleavened bread, red wine, matzo, charoseth, chopped apples, roasted eggs, nuts, parsley, cinnamon, and celery. The Jews take four cups of wine the third of which symbolizes redemption and is similar to the wine taken when Christ and his disciples were celebrating the last supper. The Matzah, which is the unleavened bread is cut into two half of which is covered with a white linen clothe and hidden. The children are then required to find it and whoever finds it gets a price. The other half of the bread is eaten. The unleavened bread is a symbol of humility before god. The Jews show the humility as a way of thanking God for delivering them from the slavery. During the celebrations, the father in the households retells the story of the Exodus. Additionally, the Jews invite non-Jews to celebrate the Seder with them (MobileReference 32-36). During the time of Herod, Passover celebration en tailed gathering in the temple, in the Court of Gentiles where they would slaughter a lamb and offer Passover sacrifices. During the celebration priest were supposed to hold a gold or silver basin, which would be filled with blood. The blood would then be sprinkled on alter in a ritualistic way. Later on, men would carry the slaughtered lambs to their homes and share with their families. Destruction of the temple in 70A.D. marked the end of animal sacrifices. However, families continued

Monday, October 28, 2019

Welfare to Work Midterm Essay Example for Free

Welfare to Work Midterm Essay 1. President Clinton signed into law the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) P.L. 104-193 on August 22, 1996. What are the basis and implications of this law? On August 22, 1996, President William Jefferson Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) (P.L. 104-193, 110 Stat. 2105) into law, thus fulfilling his campaign promise to end welfare as we know it. The PRWORA changed both the substance and administration of the national welfare system. The act eliminated the prior welfare system, which had been attacked for decades by policy-makers, the press, and the public for increasing government spending while making the poor dependent on government charity. The stated purposes of the PRWORA were to reduce welfare dependency and out-of-wedlock births and to encourage the formation of two-parent families. In line with these goals, the PRWORA required welfare recipients to work within two years of receiving assistance, and it put a five-year lifetime limit on the receipt of benefits. It also ended the entitlement status of welfare benefits. In addition, the act made other, less publicized changes to several social welfare programs, both restricting the availability of benefits (making it harder for disabled children to qualify for assistance, limiting eligibility for food stamps, denying welfare benefits to most legal immigrants) and strengthening programs that aid children (reorganizing and increasing funding for child care, toughening the enforcement of rules for child support). In addition to the acts primary emphasis on putting welfare recipients to work, the PRWORA also radically altered the way government delivers welfare benefits in three important ways: (1) Increased role of states. To fund welfare the PRWORA provided the states with fixed block grants called Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) to fund welfare, totaling $16.5 billion annually over six years. Congress also included a provision in the act that would result in TANF funding cuts if the states failed to move a required percentage of recipients into the workforce and off welfare. Nevertheless, TANF gave states extensive discretion to design and operate their own programs. This transfer of authority from the federal government to the states is called devolution. Under devolution, states have many choices to make in shaping their welfare policiesncluding being more stringent than federal law requires. For instance, some states have chosen to limit the receipt of benefits to less than five years, to cut benefits to families with truant children, or to mandate that parents take parenting classes. (2) Increased role of local entities. The PRWORA allowed states to devolve their authority even further to counties, local governments, or even private entities. The private entities involved in welfare administration include a wide range of for-profit companies, nonprofit companies, and religious groups. As a result, welfare programs vary widely not only from state to state but also within local jurisdictions. This transfer of authority to private providers, an approach called privatization, has raised questions about accountability. In other words, some critics argue that PWROWA has made it more difficult for the government to oversee programs so as to ensure quality service to recipients. The accountability of for-profit entities is of particular concern, because the incentive to earn profits can lessen the quality of services provided. Critics also charge that privatization may cause private providers to lose their independent character as they become increasingly bureaucratic and reliant on government funding. In addition, there has been sharp debate over whether religious groups should receive government funding for delivering social services. Opponents charge that this violates the separation between church and state. Proponents hold that a spiritual approach to the delivery of social services is more effective than secular approaches. (3) Changes in the role of welfare workers. The work-first emphasis of the PRWORA has dramatically changed the role of front-line workers, those low-level welfare office workers who interact directly with welfare clients. Before the PRWORA, front-line workers focused on two tasks: (1) verifying whether applicants met objective criteria to become eligible for assistance, and (2) issuing checks in a timely manner. By contrast, under the PRWORA these front-line workers must perform a variety of tasks, including evaluation and counseling, designed to put people to work. As a result, they have a much bigger say in decisions affecting applicants than they had previously 2. What is the relationship between Aide to Families with Dependent Children AFDC) and Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Program (JOBS)? 3. What is the difference, if any, between Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the Welfare-to-Work Grant Programs? Explain in detail. PRWORA replaced AFDC with TANF and ended entitlement to cash assistance for low-income families, meaning that some families may be denied aid even if they are eligible. Under TANF, states have broad discretion to determine who is eligible for benefits and services. In general states must use funds to serve families with children, with the only exceptions related to efforts to reduce non-marital childbearing and promote marriage. States cannot use TANF funds to assist most legal immigrants until they have been in the country for at least 5 years. TANF sets forth the following work requirements in order to qualify for benefits: 1. Recipients (with few exceptions) must work as soon as they are job ready or no later than two years after coming on assistance. 2. Single parents are required to participate in work activities for at least 30 hours per week. Two-parent families must participate in work activities 35 or 55 hours a week, depending upon circumstances. 3. Failure to participate in work requirements can result in a reduction or termination of benefits to the family. 4. States, in fiscal year 2004, have to ensure that 50 percent of all families and 90 percent of two-parent families are participating in work activities. If a state meets these goals without restricting eligibility, it can receive a caseload reduction credit. This credit reduces the minimum participation rates the state must achieve to continue receiving federal funding. While states are given more flexibility in the design and implementation of public assistance, they must do so within various provisions of the law: 1. Provide assistance to needy families so that children may be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relatives; 2. end the dependence of needy parents on government benefits by promoting job preparation, work, and marriage; 3. prevent and reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and establish annual numerical goals for preventing and reducing the incidence of these pregnancies; 4. and encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families. Funding for TANF underwent several changes from its predecessor, AFDC. Under AFDC, states provided cash assistance to families with children, and the federal government paid half or more of all program costs. Federal spending was provided to states on an open-ended basis, meaning that funding was tied to the number of caseloads. Federal law mandated that states provide some level of cash assistance to eligible poor families but states had broad discretion in setting the benefit levels. Under TANF, states qualify for block grants. The funding for these block grants are fixed and the amount each state receives is based on the level of federal contributions to the state for the AFDC program in 1994. States are required to maintain their spending for wel fare programs at 80 percent of their 1994 spending levels, with a reduction to 75 percent if states meet other work-participation requirements. States have greater flexibility in deciding how they spend funds as long as they meet the provisions of TANF described above. Welfare recipients and certain non-custodial parents are going to work, gaining job skills, and receiving the temporary help they need to become economically independent through local initiatives supported by Welfare-to-Work grants from the U.S. Department of Labor. These outcomes have been a primary goal of Federal welfare policy since the enactment of the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Act which ended welfare as an entitlement and set lifetime limits on an individual’s benefits. Additional welfare reform legislation in 1997 authorized the Department of Labor to provide Welfare-to-Work grants to help the hardest-to-employ, long-term welfare recipients get education, training, work experience, and private-sector jobs. These grants to States and communities are intended to provide welfare recipients with training, transitional employ ment, job placement services, and support services. Local communities have the flexibility to design programs that fit their particular needs. Approximately three-fourths of the $3 billion authorized for Welfare-to-Work was allocated to States on the basis of their poverty populations; the States are required to spend $1 of non- Federal funding for every $2 in Federal funds. Nearly one-fourth of the total funds were awarded competitively to local governments, private industry councils, or community-based organizations; 1 percent of the funds was awarded to Indian tribes, and 0.8 percent was set aside for evaluation. The Welfare-to-Work Initiative evolves to meet society’s needs, even though virtually all of the grant funds had been distributed by the end of 1999. At least 70 percent of grant funds were required to be spent on services to long-term recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and non-custodial parents. The remainder could be spent on TANF recipients who have characteristics associated with long-term welfare dependency, youth who have received foster-care services, and custodial parents with incomes below the poverty line. Eligibility criteria were simplified under the Welfare-to-Work and Child Support Amendments of 1999. Under related programs, Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work tax credits provide 4. How are the Welfare-to-Work Programs being carried out in the State of Mississippi? Temporary Assistance for Needy Families provides cash benefits to families once they have been approved for the program. The benefits can be used for any legal personal reason, such as rent, food, child care or medical bills. The benefit amount is determined by a familys monthly income and the size. In Mississippi, if a familys income does not meet the standard of need used for eligibility, the state itself may supply benefits. In 2011, the maximum state allowance for needy families was $110 per month for the first person in the program, $36 for the second and $24 for every additional person. Time Limit The federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act imposed new time limits for TANF. No state can offer benefits for longer than the federal limit, although they may be extended under certain circumstances for a limited time. Mississippi uses the federal guideline for TANF benefits, although the time limit in some other states is shorter. TANF participants in Mississippi cannot receive help for more than 60 months, or five years. Eligibility Not all needy individuals qualify for TANF. Only families with children may apply, and the children must be deprived of one or both of their parents because of unemployment, absence or inability to perform their parental duties. In 2011, the family cannot exceed a maximum monthly income level or hold more than $2,000 in assets, such as real estate or cash. Mississippi rules also require that any parent or relative caretaker who takes TANF money because one or more of the parents are absent must assign support rights to the state and aid the state in obtaining child support payments from the absent parent, which may require legally establishing paternity. Work Requirements All adults who participate in Mississippis TANF program must meet the work requirements or lose their benefits. There are exceptions for women who are in their third trimester of pregnancy and have complications. You also do not have to meet the work requirements if you are the victim of domestic violence, in treatment for substance abuse, disabled, elderly or caring for a disabled household member or child under 12 months of age. Participants have 25 months to meet all work requirements before losing benefits. The program does help participants with skills assessments, developing an Employability Development Plan and job training. Vocational education, work experience programs, community service and job searches qualify as work activities for TANF. 5. â€Å"Promoting marriage and helping those with substance abuse were the secondary goals of the reform.† Referring to the US Welfare Reform in 1996, how was secondary goals achieved? In conjunction with supporting work, new policies deny assistance to people who do not work. The work requirements in TANF are stricter than those in AFDC, fewer recipients are exempted from them, and failure to comply with them can lead to financial sanctions. In addition, PRWORA limits nonworking able-bodied adults without dependents to three months of food stamps, and state General Assistance programs have declined. States have done less to achieve welfare reforms family structure goals—encouraging marriage, reducing the number of births outside of marriage, and keeping children in their own homes or the homes of relatives—than they have to promote work (chapter 3). Many states make TANF available on a fairly equal basis to families with single and with married parents, which reverses a longstanding bias in the welfare system against serving two-parent families and thereby possibly discouraging marriage. Twenty states have adopted family caps that deny additional benefits to adults who have children while they are on welfare. Another PRWORA provision strengthens the child support system, with the federal government developing a data registry to facilitate collections from working noncustodial parents, states being required to adopt new child support enforcement tools, and individual welfare recipients facing sanctions if they fail to cooperate with the child support system. 6. How successful was the 1996 Welfare Reform? Declining Welfare Demand In 1994, about 5.1 million families were receiving cash assistance from the government. Most beneficiaries have since been forced to leave the welfare rolls for low-paying jobs, following the 1996 welfare reforms. By 2006, USA Today estimates that 1 million more had been removed either because of failure to follow state rules, or they had depleted all the benefits allowed under time limits. At the 10th anniversary of the PRWORA, only about 1.9 million families were getting cash benefits: 38 percent were blacks, 33 percent were white and 24 percent were Hispanic. Between 1994 and 2004, the welfare caseload recorded an unprecedented decline of 60 percent. Working Single Mothers Of the families on welfare in 2006, unmarried women headed three out of four. However, statistics indicate earnings for the poorest 40 percent of single mother households doubled between 1996 and 2006. Statistics also revealed that about 60 percent of adults leaving welfare were employed at any given moment, according to the Brookings Institution, and that over several months, about 80 percent held at least one job. Rising Income Levels Between 1993 and 2000, the percentage of low-income single mothers with a job grew from 58 percent to nearly 75 percent, an increase of almost 30 percent, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This was a direct result of welfare reforms. The overall income of low-income families increased by more than 25 percent over the period, and by 2006, child poverty fell significantly. According to the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, welfare reforms have succeeded mainly because the presumption of government assistance as an entitlement has been reversed. The Knowledge Gap The University of Michigan argues that research on welfare reforms is too focused on poverty reduction rates, lower out-of-wedlock childbearing and greater family stability, while overlooking spousal abuse and child neglect. The university argues that poverty levels remain high among single mothers and their children and that welfare recipient faced impediments to stable employment. Similarly, the Employment Policies Institute suggests more research must be conducted in an effort to understand the relationship between minimum wages and welfare recipiency. The minimum wage research data is currently more focused on high school dropouts, with only limited attention paid to poor adults.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Coming of Age in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn :: essays research papers

Betty Smith’s A Tree Grows in Brooklyn presents the problems of a young girl coming of age, a time when she is faced with new challenges and must overcome obstacles. Throughout the book the protagonist, Francie Nolan discovers herself maturing as she struggles with loneliness, the loss of innocence and a life of poverty in a Brooklyn slum. This theme is evident in (1.) her love for books which she uses as companionship, (2.) her outlook on the world as she matures and finally, (3.) her realization that in order to succeed in life she must obtain an education and work hard to do it. One of the biggest challenges Francie faces while growing up is loneliness. As a young child living in a Brooklyn slum, Francie has no friends her age. The other children either find her too quiet or shun her for being different because of her extensive vocabulary. Betty Smith describes how most of Francie's childhood days are spent: "in the warm summer days the lonesome child sat on her stoop and pretended disdain for the group of children playing on the sidewalk. Francie played with her imaginary companions and made believe they were better than real children. But all the while her heart beat in rhythm to the poignant sadness of the song the children sang while walking around in a ring with hands joined." (106). Francie is lonely, and longs to be included. As Francie matures, she begins to experience a different kind of loneliness. Betty Smith portrays her feelings as she observes her neighborhood: "spring came early that year and the sweet warm nights made her restless. She wal ked up and down the streets and through the park. And wherever she went, she saw a boy and a girl together, walking arm-in-arm, sitting on a park bench with their arms around each other, standing closely and in silence in a vestibule. Everyone in the world but Francie had a sweetheart or a friend she seemed to be the only lonely one in Brooklyn without a friend." (403). Loneliness is a constant challenge for Francie but it is through her loneliness that she finds a new companion in her books. Francie reads as an alternative for her lack of friends and companions. It is through her love of reading that Francie develops her extensive, sophisticated vocabulary. Her books lead her into maturity and help her learn to be independent and overcome her many hardships.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Life on Mars as a human :: essays research papers

"PLANET MARS, POPULATION 13,000", says the sign at the entrance of Mars, a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" dot on the map of the solar system. It's a perfect story book planet: only six sets of traffic lights for our hover cars, a main street where you can say hello to any of the friendly, talkative beings nearby, lots of blazing rocks and a beautiful big canyon with an over-looking red sky. One thing a person from the planet would notice instantly, aside from the abundance of red rock and my planet's obsession with leaning buildings, is the fact that people of different races, other than green, stand out like flashing lights in a dark sky. See, the thing with Mars is the percentage of green beings is roughly 95 per cent. Don't get me wrong; in principle, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just stating the facts. Given that my mother is Human and my father is from Uranus, however, I really stood out in Mars. For someone so physically and culturally distinctive, you may think that a small planet would be terrible to live in. But, for me, the experience was the total opposite. I never acknowledged my racial difference because no one else did. The only times I felt slightly out of place or uncomfortable was during discussions about different cultures at school. I'd always have this feeling that everyone was thinking about me and looking at me, wondering if I lived like the people we were discussing or not. To make myself feel better, I just thought of it as flattery. As their only real life subject, they could feel free to ask me questions. In my experience, being a minority is only a negative thing if you allow it to be. I didn't try to be someone I wasn't, so my race never did matter. Many people have blamed a lot of their problems on racism, stereotypes, and discrimination. Unfortunately, there are times when that is the reason. In some cases, however, people make it into a reason. They become so obsessed with the thought that anyone who is 'this' or 'that' is the problem. I have three words for them, just drop it. Stop making more problems, we already have enough. Sometimes the solar system would be better off colour blind. At times, I have been called an ‘apple,' green on the outside and white on the inside.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Should boys and girls be in separate classes? Essay

â€Å"Single-sex education can be especially harmful for children who do not conform to gender stereotypes. Peers are often the strongest enforcers of sex roles. Boys who do not fit the tough, athletic mold and girls who do not fit feminine stereotypes are subject to bullying or exclusion from other children.† Kimmel, M. (2008). Guyland: The perilous world where boys become men. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. â€Å"It appears that bullying is more severe in single-sex academies, which lack the buffering effects of the opposite sex.† Jackson, C. (2002). Can single-sex classes in co-educational schools enhance the learning experiences of girls and/or boys? An Exploration of Pupils’ perceptions. British Educational Research Journal, 28, 37-48. †When children are separated based on simple biological characteristics, there is potential for serious harm. First, the very act of segregation fosters the belief in deep, far-reaching behavioral and ability differences, which runs counter to the true, statistically modest sex differences that do exist.â€Å" Hyde JS (2005) The gender similarities hypothesis. American Psychologist â€Å"Research shows that segregation promotes stereotyping. When teachers emphasize gender, for instance, by lining up boys and girls separately, the children develop more stereotypic views of gender than peers in classrooms where gender is not emphasized.† Hilliard, Lacey J.; Liben, Lynn S. 2010. Differing levels of gender salience in preschool classrooms: Effects on children’s gender attitudes and intergroup bias. Child Development, 81: 1787-1798. â€Å"In fact, segregated classes also increase teachers’ stereotyping.† Datnow, A., Hubbard, L., & Woody, E. (2001) Is single-gender learning viable in the public sector? Lessons from California’s pilot program. Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. â€Å"She found that after two weeks of teachers using gendered language and divisions — lining children up by gender and asking boys and girls to post work on separate bulletin boards — the students showed an increase in gender-stereotyped attitudes toward each other and their choice of toys, and they played less with children of the other sex.† Penn State â€Å"Sex Segregation in Schools Detrimental to Equality.† ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2015. More behavior problems â€Å"Gender segregation has negative consequences for social behavior. Research has shown that children who spend more time playing only with same-sex peers show increased gender-typed activities, and their behavior becomes increasingly gender-differentiated.† Martin, C. L., & Fabes, R. A. (2001). The stability and consequences of same-sex peer interactions. Developmental Psychology, 37, 431-446. â€Å"For instance, boys with more exposure to same-sex peers become more aggressive over time, and certain boys, such as those with less self-control, are placed at greater risk for behavior problems.† Fabes, R. A., Shepard, S. A., Guthrie, I. K., & Martin, C. L. (1997). Roles of temperamental arousal and gender segregated play in young children’s social adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 33, 693-702. Main point 2: Prevent socialization between different gender Crossed gender friendship â€Å"By contrast, children in a co-ed class have a wider opportunity to find others they are comfortable with. This is supported by a large recent study of middle and high-school students, where greater numbers of cross-gender friendships were found to reduce the overall level of aggression, compared to schools in which such friendships are rarer.† Faris, R., & Felmlee, D. (2010). Status struggles: Network centrality and gender segregation in same- and cross-gender aggression.American Sociological Review, 76, 48-73. Learn about each other â€Å"To be successful, children must learn to live and work with others whose beliefs, backgrounds, skills, and interpersonal styles are different from their own. Research has clearly shown that children who have interacted with  diverse individuals are better prepared for this task.1 The experience of sharing, working, and learning with children of both genders is vital to developing healthy relationships in both their future families and workplaces.† Orfield, G., Frankenberg, E., & Garces, L. M. (2008). Statement of American social scientists of research on school desegregation to the U.S. Supreme Court in Parents v. Seattle District and Meredith v. Jefferson County. Urban Review, 20, 96-136. Ineffective No advantages â€Å"Our examination of the existing studies leads us to conclude that there is not scientific evidence for positive effects of single-sex schooling,† said Liben. â€Å"That’s not to say that academic outcomes are definitively worse, but neither are they definitively better. Advantages have not been demonstrated.† Penn State â€Å"Sex Segregation in Schools Detrimental to Equality.† ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 25 Feb. 2015. Expensive Counterclaim: Different learning style Supporting evidence â€Å"Their argument is that girls and boys have very different brains, with boys oriented towards math, science and reasoning, and girls excelling in personal relationships and emotion. In this view, the sexes should be parented and educated differently, and steered towards separate careers.† Rivers, Caryl, and Rosalind C. Barnett. â€Å"Education.† Single-Sex Schooling Loses Ground for Good Reasons. N.p., June 2013. Web. 25 Feb. 2015. Counterclaim evidence â€Å"Some supporters of single-sex schools claim that brain differences between boys and girls require different teaching styles. But neuroscientists have found few differences between male and female brains, and none has been linked to different learning styles.† â€Å"It’s simply not true that boys and girls learn differently,† she said. â€Å"Advocates for single-sex education don’t like the parallel with racial segregation, but the parallels are there. We used to believe that the races learned differently, too.† Lewin,  Tamar. â€Å"Single-Sex Education Is Assailed in Report.† The New York Times. The New York Times, 22 Sept. 2011. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. Links

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Fire And Ice By Frost

â€Å"Fire and Ice† In Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Fire and Ice† the main theme is the final destruction of the earth. Many people speculate how the world will come to an end. Frost compares the destructive forces of fire and ice and gives the reader insight into Frost’s own experiences and thoughts of entire destruction. At the very beginning of the poem, Frost literally offers two possibilities for the end of the world. â€Å"Some say the world will end in fire, / Some say in ice.† (l. 1-2). People have wondered for years as to how the world will be destroyed. Most believe the Bible that the world will end in fire. Others favor the view of another Ice Age caused from a meteor hitting earth. Beyond the literal reference, Frost also leads the reader to observe the downfall of mankind. In the next two lines Frost tells the reader what he has experienced. He concurs with â€Å"those who favor fire† (l. 4). Frost relates the detrimental fire to desire. He believes that desire will ultimately bring about the end. This relation suggests that desire, or lust, greed and want, when used negatively bring about one’s downfall and could certainly bring about the downfall of an entire planet. Frost next contrasts the relation of fire and desire with that of ice and hatred. â€Å"But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.† (l. 5-9). Frost is saying that if the world must be destroyed a second time that he would want it to end with damaging ice to show what hate would be like. Frost relates ice to the hatred throughout the world. He has seen enough hate to consummate world wide death. Ice surrounds objects and causes them to crack or break from the pressure; much like hatred does to an individual. Hate gets into one’s very soul and forces out all the good, eventually eating away the core of one’s being. Therefore... Free Essays on Fire And Ice By Frost Free Essays on Fire And Ice By Frost â€Å"Fire and Ice† In Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Fire and Ice† the main theme is the final destruction of the earth. Many people speculate how the world will come to an end. Frost compares the destructive forces of fire and ice and gives the reader insight into Frost’s own experiences and thoughts of entire destruction. At the very beginning of the poem, Frost literally offers two possibilities for the end of the world. â€Å"Some say the world will end in fire, / Some say in ice.† (l. 1-2). People have wondered for years as to how the world will be destroyed. Most believe the Bible that the world will end in fire. Others favor the view of another Ice Age caused from a meteor hitting earth. Beyond the literal reference, Frost also leads the reader to observe the downfall of mankind. In the next two lines Frost tells the reader what he has experienced. He concurs with â€Å"those who favor fire† (l. 4). Frost relates the detrimental fire to desire. He believes that desire will ultimately bring about the end. This relation suggests that desire, or lust, greed and want, when used negatively bring about one’s downfall and could certainly bring about the downfall of an entire planet. Frost next contrasts the relation of fire and desire with that of ice and hatred. â€Å"But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.† (l. 5-9). Frost is saying that if the world must be destroyed a second time that he would want it to end with damaging ice to show what hate would be like. Frost relates ice to the hatred throughout the world. He has seen enough hate to consummate world wide death. Ice surrounds objects and causes them to crack or break from the pressure; much like hatred does to an individual. Hate gets into one’s very soul and forces out all the good, eventually eating away the core of one’s being. Therefore...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Plan to Win essays

A Plan to Win essays The Iowa Democratic caucuses were the first test for the contenders, and their organizations, in the race to become the Democratic Partys nomination as its candidate for the 2004 presidential election. This years Iowa caucuses can help develop a plan to win for the 2008 caucuses by learning from Deans mistakes and Kerrys winning strategies. Deans organization was filed with inexperienced, ill trained campaign workers, who did not know how to categorize voters, often having low standards for Ones. They lacked discipline and structure and conflicted with Deans senior staff. As shown in Kerrys organization, relationships play a key role in how successful the candidate is. Dean did not have a partnership with his campaign manager, Joe Trippi. I was said, in the article Turning Point in the July 19th issue of U.S. News dysfunctional and that Trippi often refused to take call from Dean on the road. Not only did Dean not build relationships with his organization, more importantly he didnt build one with voters. Unlike the rest of the contenders Howard dean did not give something for the voters to identify with. He admitted his failure to make a more human connection with voters hurt him. However this wasnt Deans only failure, Dean and his campaign were full of mistakes, blunders, and confusion. Dean told U.S. News that the three things I wanted to do are change the Democratic party, change the country and become president of the United States... in that order. That raised the question: Did Dean really want this? If you were to ask that question about Kerry the answer wouldve been absolutely Yes. The statement Dean made did not give the people confidence that he could take on Bush. John Kerry on the other hand had faithful people that were working hard for him. Kerr...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Effect of World War II on African-Americans and Japenese-Americans Essays

The Effect of World War II on African-Americans and Japenese-Americans Essays The Effect of World War II on African-Americans and Japenese-Americans Essay The Effect of World War II on African-Americans and Japenese-Americans Essay World War II and the Effects on African-Americans and Japenese-Americans It really is not a outstanding statement to say the World War II affected many American lives.How could an all encompassing war not affect every person in America?The extent to which the war influenced the lives of the African-American and the Japenese-American races can be argued to be far greater than many others.The African-Americans basis for the civil rights movement was a result of the progress made within the war effort, and the treatment of Japenese-Americans during the war made many challenge the purpose of Americans even being in the war. Many traditional patterns of life were challenged during the war, and many barriers to racial equality wavered or fell.For many it was hard to over look the similarities between anti-Semitism in Germany and racial discrimination in America.Many civil rights leaders saw this as an opportunity to open Americas eyes to the injustices right here in America.They began a Double V campaign, victory over Nazism abroad and victory over racism and inequality at home. (Henretta, 843) Even before America became actively involved in the war, many blacks were employed under the government.Leaders of the black race began to demand that the government require integration from defense contractors.When the government refused, a black union began to plan a March on Washington in the summer of 1941.Fearing the embarrassment of a public protest and even more, disruption of war preparations, Roosevelt gave in.In exchange for a cancellation of the march, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802.This prevented discrimination by employment of defense industries or government due to race, creed, color, or national origin. (Henretta, 844)The Fair Employment Practices Committee was created to oversee these practices.This was a major step for the

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fiction Paper - The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman Essay

Fiction Paper - The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Essay Example At the end of the story, the woman is seen creeping around the walls of the room, after having torn away the wallpaper as high as she can reach, seeking a way of entering their world or releasing them from the walls where they used to hide. While the story is not necessarily intended to be understood as a ghost story, instead addressing the very real mental conditions that can be and were forced upon women in particular as a result of their constraints within society, it can be understood from a supernatural perspective. Reading this story from a realist perspective, the woman slowly loses her sanity as a result of her inability to conform to societal norms. At every stage of her illness, it can be seen that the husband has little understanding of how she feels and little regard for her own input regarding what might help her. He looks at the world from a very scientific perspective and is incapable of moving beyond the hard facts to consider his wife’s emotional needs. The couple takes up residence in an upper room of the house, thought to have once been a nursery, with bars on the windows and old faded yellow wallpaper attached to the walls. This wallpaper plays a large role in the progression of the woman’s illness as she begins to see women creeping around inside it, trying to escape the oppression they, too, have experienced. In the end, the woman is completely insane, creeping around the walls herself after peeling the wallpaper off as high as she can reach, even creeping over he r husband, who has fainted against the wall, in order to continue her progress unimpeded. Although she realizes there is something wrong with her, she writes that the men of her world, her husband and her brother who are both physicians, do not agree that she is sick, describing her condition as being a â€Å"temporary nervous depression – a slight hysterical tendency† (Gilman, 1899).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Writing about personal learning and literature Essay

Writing about personal learning and literature - Essay Example All three genres will be analysed thoroughly in order to pick out one genre for which the rationale will be provided. Lastly, it will serve to explain how this module has shaped up my creative skills as well as developed an appreciation in me for the literary arts. Literature has always held a critical importance in education. Today, it seems that students need to not only study from literature, but also recognize how it relates to their lives. The genre approach to literacy includes being explicit about the manner language works in order to create meaning. It stands for engaging the students in the part of the novice with the teacher in the part of a professional on function as well as language system. It also means that an emphasis is placed on structure as well as content, in addition to the sequence of steps that an apprentice goes through in order to develop literary skills in an official educational situation (Cope &Kalantzis, 1993). While the number of genres and their portion s have multiplied since classical eras, the dissection of the literary sphere into three key genres (by Aristotle, Plato as well as Horace), is still valuable. These can be termed as lyric, drama and epic, and are characterized by their "manner of imitation," which means how the characters and their action are portrayed (Bakhtin, 1983). Genre studies allow the students to track a certain process to discover and develop an understanding of what makes each genre special and unique. By engaging in the learning of these processes, a student will begin to understand the various forms of writing, in addition to how to write in a more effective manner. Genre theory is an extremely proficient method of teaching the writing curriculum because of its intense focus on the specifics of a specific genre. It also provides the students with a probable way to develop a written paper as well as critique the writings that fall within the various other genres. Genre theory as well as instructions also seeks to provide the educators with the strategies, knowledge and skills to aid all the students instead of just the ones struggling (Derrida &Ronell, 1980). The genre approach (schema approach) is used to teach children about literature starting with the simplest literature form – prose and then moving onto increasingly sophisticated concepts for e.g. drama and poetry etc. Children are taught to learn to understand the different genres, as well as write proficiently on the simple ones during the early years of their schooling, when their writing is at the beginning level. Young children are familiarized with a number of different genre categories through anassortment of books as well as reading materials used during the class (Allyn& Bacon, 1893). Abstract thinking and spatial reasoning comes naturally to many children and is often developed, further, throughout the academic process in grade school and into high school. With many programs paying attention to math and scienc es, there is an equal amount of children who are exposed to, and prepared for, creative projects. Methodical approach to academics may not always lead to the artistic and creative development of a child creative values must be instilled in children, from the very beginning. The skill of creative writing can be developed in children at a very young age. As communication is vital for our society, teaching children to write well will often lead to better communication skills. The creation of greeting cards is a unique way in which parents can encourage the creativity of their children. Even from the beginning of his life holding a crayon and creating a greeting card for a birthday, or holiday, will provide the child with the first exposure in creative writing. Finding creative projects

Law of Contract LA-112 (Joint Honours) coursework 2009 Essay

Law of Contract LA-112 (Joint Honours) coursework 2009 - Essay Example course of business or trade, there is an implicit condition that goods so supplied under the contract of sale are of acceptable quality and should rationally fit for their purpose. Thus , under SGA , a seller should sell products that well fit into its description , should conform to its purpose and should have acceptable quality and if the product fall short of these , then , supplier has the duty to redress the grievances raised by the buyer . Certain contract inserts clauses giving the right to buyer to terminate the contract under certain circumstances. For instance, when the market price for product decreases after the entering of a contract, a buyer in normal course is keen to take the privilege of termination rights as a result of delivery of non-conforming products or late delivery. However, a seller has the duty to make sure that the products sold â€Å"adhere to the contract.† For instance, if a car is sold, then the seller should clearly express the model of the car to be sold, the details about its engine size, its previous owner’s history. In case, if the seller has described the product imprecisely, then the buyer can make a claim against the seller for breach of contract and thus seller might be involved a breach under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968. (The UK insolvency helpline 2008). In Fletcher v Sledmore, a car dealer and his customer visited the defendant who was a dealer in second hand cars. The customer inquired the defendant about a specific car and defendant informed him that it was â€Å"a good little engine.† However, this was not true. Then, car was sold to the customer. It was held by the court that the defendant committed an offence under false trade description Act. Thus, this decision clearly demonstrates that Act can travel beyond the restrictions of contractual relationships. (Weatherill 2005: 402) If any seller has sold the product that does not adhere to the description in the sales contract, or if it is not suitable for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Amercia Dream through the stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amercia Dream through the stories - Essay Example In the analyzed short stories, namely â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† by Nathanial Hawthorn, and â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener† by Herman Melville, the main characters fail to reach the American dream in the form it is defined here. The story of the life of the main character of the short story by William Faulkner, Emily, is anything but the American dream. Once belonging to a respected family, she ends her life in the inmost poverty. In fact, it is she who is responsible for such dire conditions of her life. The concept of American dream described above suggests every person has equal opportunities and freedom to become successful in life. Emily neglected the opportunity to restore the reputation of her family. She believes that the rich stay rich even though they lose everything they once had. Moreover, she fences herself off the real life where she could have at least some friends and get help. She also does not take advantage of an opportunity to communicate with people and by this climb out of oblivion and poverty. Overall, it is the hidebound view of the upper-class society to which Emily believes she still belongs that do not let the American dream come true. The fail of the American dream can be also traced in the short story by Nathaniel Hawthorn titled â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†. The action takes place in colonial America, and during this historical period it is Puritanism, the purest of all the religion. In this short story, however, this religion is shown from the opposite point of view with all its atrocities and rigidity represented metaphorically by the author. In this very case, it is the society, in which religion is central, is what prevents Goodman Brown from reaching his American Dream. The matter is that when the main character experiences the transition from the ignorance and blind faith to the truth, he sees the real picture of what is

Chronic Kidney Disease Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chronic Kidney Disease - Term Paper Example For these reasons, chronic kidney disease is considered a disease because it affects the health of an individual. Chronic kidney disease is a chief health concern problem because the prevalence of the disease grows at a yearly rate of 8%, and expends 2% of the worldwide health spending (Là ³pez-Novoa, Martà ­nez-Salgado, Rodrà ­guez-Peà ±a, & Là ³pez-Hernà ¡ndez, 2010). In the United States, about 13% of the populace suffers from this condition. As the prevalence of chronic renal disease rises, health care providers are tasked with the management of the multifaceted medical complications that patients with CKD face. This paper takes a detailed look at the pathophysiology, causes, symptoms and management of chronic kidney disease. The central role of the kidney is to sift nitrogenous wastes from ingested food and metabolic activities, as well as surplus fluids from the blood. The kidneys, therefore, play an important role in fluid and electrolyte balance. The nephron is the elementary working component of the kidney. A normal kidney has about one million nephrons. Each nephron possesses a clump of glomerular capillaries called the glomerulus where the filtration of blood takes place. The nephron also has a lengthy tubule where the filtered fluid is transformed into urine as it is transported into the pelvis (Guyton & Hall, 2006). The renal arteries branch into interlobar arteries and two other arteries and finally into afferent arterioles that supply the glomerulus in the nephron through the glomerular arterioles, which join together to form the efferent arterioles that exit the glomerulus. Urine, which carries the waste products filtered by the kidney is produced in three main phases namely ultrafiltration, reabsorption and secretion. The kidneys also excrete strange chemicals, drug substances and metabolites produced from hormones. Such substances include urea from the metabolism of amino acids and creatinine

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Amercia Dream through the stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amercia Dream through the stories - Essay Example In the analyzed short stories, namely â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† by Nathanial Hawthorn, and â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener† by Herman Melville, the main characters fail to reach the American dream in the form it is defined here. The story of the life of the main character of the short story by William Faulkner, Emily, is anything but the American dream. Once belonging to a respected family, she ends her life in the inmost poverty. In fact, it is she who is responsible for such dire conditions of her life. The concept of American dream described above suggests every person has equal opportunities and freedom to become successful in life. Emily neglected the opportunity to restore the reputation of her family. She believes that the rich stay rich even though they lose everything they once had. Moreover, she fences herself off the real life where she could have at least some friends and get help. She also does not take advantage of an opportunity to communicate with people and by this climb out of oblivion and poverty. Overall, it is the hidebound view of the upper-class society to which Emily believes she still belongs that do not let the American dream come true. The fail of the American dream can be also traced in the short story by Nathaniel Hawthorn titled â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†. The action takes place in colonial America, and during this historical period it is Puritanism, the purest of all the religion. In this short story, however, this religion is shown from the opposite point of view with all its atrocities and rigidity represented metaphorically by the author. In this very case, it is the society, in which religion is central, is what prevents Goodman Brown from reaching his American Dream. The matter is that when the main character experiences the transition from the ignorance and blind faith to the truth, he sees the real picture of what is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Bad marketing, bad budgeting, and bad customer service can lead to the Research Paper

Bad marketing, bad budgeting, and bad customer service can lead to the failure of a business - Research Paper Example (Mercer, David. 1996; Shim, Jae. K, Siegel, Joel.G, Shim, Allison.I. 2011) A good and healthy business needs a perfect alignment and coordination of these components in order to be profitable. Organization can not exist without its market; all its strategies are based on winning the market. Marketing focuses and revolves around customer’s needs and demands. To any organization customer- i.e. the consumers of its product are everything. They are revenue generating and are the reason for which the organization exists. Marketing emphasizes on a long term perspective of building strong and long term relationships with the customers. The aims of marketing is to reduce down the dissatisfied customers, identify reasons for their dissatisfaction and work on strategies and products that fulfill their demand and needs, keep them satisfied and brings customer loyalty as increased customers lead to increased revenues and profitability. (Mercer, David. 1996) Market research and advertisement are important aspects of marketing. Market research helps the organization to gain an understanding about the environment it operates in and gives an in-depth knowledge about the opportunities and risks which helps the organization in formulating its future strategies for success. Advertisement and promotion on the other hand are other tools to develop or increase brand recognition and increase market share. Other strategies of marketing like after sales services, promotional offers etc. are all ways to win customers for growing revenues and profitability. (Mercer, David. 1996) Budgeting is a tool and technique used for systematic and productive management. Budgeting allocate funds and set targets to achieve a desired outcome. Budgets are created after determining the over all strategies of the company, then these strategies are translated into long tem and short term goals and objectives which provides the basis of budgeting and allocating resources.

Culture Acceptance of Homosexuality in the African-American Culture Essay Example for Free

Culture Acceptance of Homosexuality in the African-American Culture Essay Different factions of sociologists depict men. Functionalists suggest that a division of labor originally arose between man and women because of the woman’s role in reproduction. By virtue of their larger size and greater muscular strength, men were assigned hunting and defense tasks. Conflict theorists reject functionalist arguments as simply offering a rationale for male dominance. They contend that a sexual division of labor is a social vehicle devised by men to assure themselves of privilege, prestige, and power in their relationships with women. By relegating women to the home, men have been able to deny women those resources they need to succeed in the larger world. Others say that the fundamental motive is men’s desire to have women readily available for sexual gratification. And still others emphasize that the appropriation of women is not for copulation but for procreation, especially to produce male heirs and daughters who can be used as exchanges in cementing political economic alliances with other families (Hinkle, 1994). Indeed, this gender stratification promotes the survival of the species and fulfilling their label to be strong, men even use violence to assert their so-called masculinity, which in any case is portrayed by the sociologists as the more superior specie. But when one takes a closer look into Kinsey’s reports, he or she won’t help but notice an honest existence of a â€Å"third kind† or the second-class citizens as the popular belief says in the persons of the homosexuals (Betancourt Lopez, 1993). For the best information on sexual characteristics, we are indebted to the Kinsey reports. Kinsey’s greatest contribution was the discovery that individual differences in sexual behavior are truly amazing. The reports were designed to give a scientific gloss to the normalization of promiscuity and deviancy. Kinsey’s initial report, released in 1948 stunned the nation by saying that American men were so sexually wild that â€Å"95% of them could be accused of some kind of sexual offense under 1940s laws† (Kinsey et al. , 1948). The report included reports of sexual activity by boys, even babies, and said, â€Å"37% of adult males had had at least one homosexual experience† (Kinsey et al. , 1948). Homosexuality is a preference for an individual of the same sex as a sexual partner. The Alfred C. Kinsey Institute for Sex Research estimates that five to six percent of the adult population is predominantly homosexual. However, since there are so many gradations in sexual behavior and preferences, many sociologists and psychologists take the view that there heterosexual or homosexual practices but not homosexual individuals (Halgin, 2006). In brief, homosexuality and heterosexuality are terms that describe behavior, not the identity of a person. But gender identity confusion can lead to fear of homosexuality. But behavior is not grossly disorganized, nor is functioning impaired if the delusions are not acted out. A gay man or a lesbian may or may not elect to engage in homosexual behavior (Bell and Weinberg, 1998). Father’s Presence A boy prefers the company of boys; his favorite toys are cars and trucks and wants to be a fireman or policeman. The parents treated both the children differently, even though they are technically the same. This shows how parents do seek to socialize children into their gender roles, even if they are doing it unconsciously. Parents provide distinctive environments for boys and girls. They give them different toys and clothes and decorate their rooms differently (Fagot, 1995). They respond negatively to more obvious forms of cross-sex behavior. A very young boy who tries on his mother high-heeled shoes or puts on a dress or lipstick may be regarded with amused tolerance, but such behavior in older children is regarded as outrageous rather than funny. Father reacts especially strongly to any such signs of feminine tendencies in their sons (Nicolosi, 1991). The men may interpret certain kinds of feminine interests or actions as signs of developing homosexual tendencies in their sons and react to their tendencies in the strongest terms (Nicolosi, 1991). Psychologists described the uniformity of reports from literature that gay males had poorer relations with their fathers and concludes, â€Å"Every study reported findings that their relationships with their fathers were unsatisfying with the father variously described as cold, rejecting, indifferent, hostile, or simply distant† (Moberly, 1983). Likewise it was concluded that the homosexuals hurtful relationship with the father results in defensive detachment, which is carried over to relationships with other men. Homosexuality becomes a form of a reparative drive (Nicolosi, 1991) in which the boy seeks a nurturing male relationship to undo the repression and regain the lost father. Significant environmental issues such as the impact of the father-son relationship are indicated as important in the development of adult male homosexual orientation. As scholars suggested, the father-child relationship is one of many crucial elements in the development of any child. Deficits in this area may result in adverse effects to the child’s (and later adult child’s) identification with self as an adult, and this identification is generally considered to be crucial in determining the way in which children and adults form relationships with others (Blankenhorn, 1995). Conversely, boys seemed to conform to the sex-role standards of their culture when their relationships with their fathers were warm, regardless of how masculine the fathers were, even though warmth and intimacy have traditionally been seen as feminine characteristics (Blankenhorn, 1995). Son’s pubertal development was a significant predictor of both information sharing and, to a lesser extent, values sharing, with fathers more likely to talk with sons who had attained more physical development. The father’s recognition of his son’s physical development appears to be an important factor in talking about sexuality. When fathers see their sons maturing physically, they may become aware of the increased possibility of sexual initiation, and this possibility spurs them to discussion of sexual topics (Moberly, 1983). In the movie Billy Elliot, the simple rights of gay people are also advanced. In terms of personality traits, boys are generally aggressive, independent, dominant, competitive, logical, direct, adventurous, self-confident, and ambitious. Boys are described as closemouthed, rough, and sloppy in their habits. Boys do not usually enjoy art and literature, and cannot easily express and find it easy to express their feelings. This is what it means to be masculine in the eyes of biased society. But Billy, more than the fondness for boxing his father wants for him, his natural flair falls for dancing, an art predominantly associated with girls. Most families, like that of Billy, urge boys to be little men even before they have any idea what it means to be a man. As a matter of fact, there is even more pressure on boys to be masculine than on girls to be feminine. They are constantly warned not to act like girls, not cry, not to be sissies. Most people have always considered it worse for a boy to be a sissy than for a girl to be a tomboy. Boys may have to prove themselves by being athletic or by being tough, men by making a lot of money or by being a man’s man in whatever way this is defined by their associates. But the burden of proof is always present. And the burden is heavier than most people think. When cooing to a baby in a crib, they use one tone of voice toward a girl, a different one toward a boy. Mothers look at baby girl more often and talk to her more frequently. By and large, children have been brought up to believe that women should be pretty and preferably slim, while men should be tall and strong (Sheinberg, 2004). This familial stereotyping is even carried on to the bigger world of the boys known as school. In the world that children enter at 6 there is a new adult, the teacher, whose discipline boys must conform to and whose acceptance they must court. Ordinarily the teacher is a woman, like the mother, and children’s behavior toward their mother can be generalized toward her. But boys who are identifying with their father and rebelling against their mother often have trouble in the early grades. They may be less fearful of rejection by the teacher and therefore more reluctant to accept her influence (Sheinberg, 2004). It was also found that father’s age at first intercourse would predict father-son sex-based communication. The rationale was that fathers who were sexually active at an earlier age would remember their experiences and would see their sons as needing information (Moberly, 1983). On the other hand, fathers who had sexual intercourse at a later age may believe it is best to wait, and they may talk with sons to instill this same value, while fathers who had sex at an early age might believe it best to inform their sons about sex in order to prepare them for it (Moberly, 1983). Without a doubt, among African Americans, a father is the most important thing a boy can have in his life. They relate to one another on a level that cannot be achieved through a mother-son relationship. It is important to have communication in the relationship because talking brings the two closer. A father, though, needs to know when to play an active role in his son’s life, and when to be more of an observer. If he mixes the two up, serious repercussions may occur. A father can be the best thing in his son’s life, but he needs to care for the right (Sheinberg, 2004). Masculinity Another expert to have studied sexuality is Margaret Mead. Margaret Mead (1949) edified a good number of Americans about the significance of examining sensitively and plainly at other cultures to better comprehend the intricacies of humanness. She contends that it seems quite probable that nature creates some inborn tendencies. But there is ample proof that heredity alone does not necessarily push men toward being independent and aggressive, nor women toward being passive and submissive (Mead, 1949). In one tribe that Mead studied, both men and women were what we would call highly feminine. Both sexes shunned aggression. Both took care of and nurtured the children. In modern times, girls and women are considered feminine unless they display overwhelming evidence to the contrary, but boys and men have to win the right to be called masculine. They have to prove their masculinity; they have to face and succeed in all kinds of financial, intellectual, sexual, and physical tests. The testing process starts early and continues throughout life (Mead, 1949). In the other tribe, the members of one sex spent all their time applying cosmetics, gossiping, putting, engaging in emotional outbursts, and taking care of the children. Members of the other sex had clean-shaven heads, scorned any makeup or ornamentation, were active and domineering, and provided most of the tribe’s food and other necessities. But the last sentence describes how the women behaved. The preceding sentence, about a fondness for cosmetics and emotional outbursts, describes the men (Mead, 1949). The motives for affiliation and dependency are universal. So are the emotions that accompany them. Society’s demand to suppress them is in effect a demand to transcend humanity. And efforts to do so can never completely succeed. Since it is impossible to program out all emotions, even the most extreme he-man can only approximate the masculine ideal. Thus every man, aware of the stirrings of the softer and weaker emotion he tries so dutifully to hide, is bound to worry about his own masculinity. Otherwise, he is prejudged as gay, a sissy, or a homosexual (Duberman, et al. , 1989). The Religion’s Take The church usually operates with a bureaucratic structure and claims to include most of the members of a society. The difficulties the society has experienced in recent years are reflective of that of the ancient times and have contributed to the resurgence of conservative Christianity (Fisher, et al. , 1994). We have seen in Christie Davies’ Sexual Taboos and Social Boundaries that religion may be a conservative force, impeding modernization and reaffirming traditional authority (Davies, 1982). The bold article tackles Christianity’s bias against such so-called sexual taboos as homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism in North America and Europe. That is, Christianity is associable with such concepts as hypocrisy, racism, narrow-mindedness and conservativism (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Davies is referring to the passages in the Bible, which state that homosexuality is wrong. These occur most prominently in Deuteronomy. Is it not entirely possible for instance to believe that the Bible is entirely true except those passages which condemn homosexuality which were inserted later by corrupt scribes (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Second, because homosexuals are considered deviants, the religious, military, and political principals find a way to give them a reprehensible image by consolidating their boundaries. The symbolic interactionist perspective has been a useful tool for examining the complexities of this heterosexual-homosexual relationship. Thus, should the roles of certain members of the society depart from the normal conventions bordering on the taboo, as homosexuals have been automatically deemed doing, invariably there are spiteful consequences for their behavior and actions (Fisher, et al. , 1994). And third, Davies argues that the society’s mainstream institutions dictate and shape the homosexuals’ experiences. In large part, they unconsciously build up their sense of reality by the way the society orders its social agendas and structures social alternatives. To the extent that they are locked within the social environment provided by the heterosexual culture, the homosexual segment inhabits a somewhat restricted world outside and is thus considered an external threat to any open social frontier (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Homosexual acts were punishable by death among the ancient Hebrews, but accepted and even admired by the Greeks. Later, the early Christians held that abstinence was the noblest form of sexual behavior, but at about the same time, the Romans were indulging in their famous orgies in the Colosseum (Fisher, et al. , 1994). In England, at the time of Queen Elizabeth, sex was treated with a frankness and frequently with a ribaldry that has no parallel in Western history. A little later, under Queen Victoria, it was regarded with such great circumspection that among some groups of these very same Englishmen, one would hardly have known that coitus ever took place and any falls from propriety were the cause of great scandal and disgrace (Lenski and Lenski, 1999). Moreover, Davies also touches on dehumanization or slavery by way of Christian association. In the Western society, significant segments of the population reject coexistence with minorities in equal terms. Women and homosexuals are subsumed in the list of minorities in the large group of African Americans (Davies, 1982). The current debate suggests that Christianity or any religion for that matter, remains a powerful moving force in Western life. People are not close to resolving how to relate people’s religious lives to their religious lives. Each generation must tackle its own church-state question as Christie Davies does with homosexuality in her article (Davies, 1982). Furthermore, broadly considered, long-term relationship, heterosexual or homosexual, should be considered as families. The social definition of the family as a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption has come to its revolutionary point of reshaping into such as a group of people who love and care or each other regardless of spiritual background or sexual preference (Fisher, et al. , 1994). Some gays and lesbians are married, have children, and lead lives that in most respects are indistinguishable from those of the larger population. However, homosexual adults who have come to terms with their homosexuality, who do not regret their sexual orientation, and who can function effectively sexually and socially, are no more distressed psychologically than are heterosexual men and women (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Homophobia Few people in the history of Western society have been more scorned, feared, and stigmatized than homosexuals. To put in a more appropriate context, these people who fear, hate, and persecute the homosexuals are homophobic (Kagay, 1999). Gays and lesbians often hold values and beliefs that are different from those of the dominant culture. Because of the controversial nature of being gay or lesbian, and the heavy social proscriptions against it, many individuals are reluctant to â€Å"come out of the closet† or to reveal their membership in this co-culture. As more gays and lesbians identify themselves publicly, they find that their attitudes and communication patterns often clash with people who do not understand the gay and lesbian co-cultures (Vander Zanden, 1995). When the collision involves the arbitrary denial of privilege, prestige, and power to members of the homosexual co-culture whose qualifications are equal to those of members of the dominant group as the heterosexuals, then generally, sociologists can easily label this as discrimination. And when the attitudes of aversion and hostility toward the homosexual co-culture abound because they simply belong to it and hence are presumed to have the objectionable qualities ascribed to it, then the label becomes prejudice (Vander Zanden, 1993). Whereas prejudice is an attitude or a state of mind, discrimination is action. Therefore, phobia as an irrational part of a person’s mentality makes homophobia basically a prejudice that may lead to discrimination but cannot grow to be a form of racism (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Racism or racialism is a belief in the superiority of some races over others. It also involves prejudice against or hatred of other races. Discriminating behavior is also defining element in racism. Be that as it may, racism is based on none other than racial membership and in this paper’s case, on sexual preference or orientation too. Stereotypically, it is based on the color of the skin, the texture of the hair, the facial features, the stature, and the shape of the heads. Biologists typically view races as populations that differ in the incidence of various hereditary traits. More narrowly, they conceive of a race or subspecies as an inbreeding, geographically isolated population that differs in hereditary traits from other members of the species (Bullough Bullough 1996). Hereditary is the key term. Although there are some floating nature-nurture debate on the tendency to be homosexual, being gay or lesbian is more broadly accepted as a behavior than a heritable peculiarity (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Homosexuality knows no color or physical feature. Although gays whiten the color of their skin, stretch their hair length, effeminize their facial features, glamorize their stature, or cosmetically alter the shape of their heads, they cannot be classified a race but a co-culture instead (Bell and Weinberg, 1998). Although racial stratification is similar to other systems of stratification in which African Americans are a part of, including gender stratification, in its essential features, there tends to be one major difference. Racial and ethnic groups often have the potential for carving their own independent nation from the existing state (Klonoff Landrine, 2000). Political separatism may offer racial groups a solution that is not available to gender groups. Gender groups typically lack the potential for becoming self-sufficient political states because they do not function as self-sufficient social or economic groups (Vander Zanden, 1995). Homosexuals are a varied group. They are found in all occupational fields, political persuasions, religious faiths, and racial and ethnic groups. Some are married, have children, and lead lives that in most respects are indistinguishable from those of the larger population. Others enter homosexual unions that are relatively durable (Kagay, 1999). In fact, if homosexuality could be considered a part of the gender stratification, then homophobia could even be more appropriately subsumed by the realms of sexism than racism. But the homosexual population cannot be undervalued that a gay joke can testify to their numbers: â€Å"I wonder why gay people multiply. They don’t have any vagina but they seem born twice a straight baby girl’s chance. † In many modern nations, the members of some groups participate in the main culture of the society while simultaneously sharing with one another a number of unique values, norms, traditions, and lifestyles. These cultural patterns are termed a co-culture (Vander Zanden, 1993). African American co-cultures that have become prominent in the United States partly because of their numbers and partly because of their lack of subscription to many of the mainstream beliefs, attitudes, and values. Although there are many co-cultures in the United States, the homosexual culture has become increasingly prominent because of their demands for equality.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Virgin Group An insight into the organizational structure and culture

The Virgin Group An insight into the organizational structure and culture Introduction The Virgin Group of companies is one of the largest business organizations in the world. Founded by Richard Branson, the Virgin Group has established itself into many diverse facets of the business industry. This paper analyzes the organizational structure and culture of the Virgin Group and how it has helped this organization attain such success in many diverse industries. Much of the culture of the Virgin Group is influenced by the personal beliefs and philosophies of its founder, Richard Branson, and is one of the reasons for the organizations success. Branson highly values all of his employees and takes personal responsibility to ensure that his beliefs are instilled among all of them. Branson has created a decentralized structure in the organization by giving his employees the authority to take decisions thereby reducing bureaucracy. Employees are encouraged to not always follow rational procedures and instead think on their own. This paper will first briefly give an overview of the Virgin Group of companies and its history and development. The organizational structure and culture of the Virgin Group will help the reader understand the organizations processes and business practices and how the values and belief system of its founder has shaped its structure and culture. In addition, the reader will learn how the Virgin Group has established itself as a successful organization based on its structure and culture. The paper will apply some of the theories and concepts from the course textbook to the Virgin Group which will help to understand the working of this organization better. In conclusion, this paper hopes to emphasize the Virgin Groups overall journey through the years and the role that its structure and culture has played in its success. About the Virgin Group The Virgin Group is one of the most successful business empires today. This organization has established itself in diverse industries including mobile telephony, retail, music, financial services, travel, and many more. Virgin has ruled the British market and has expanded worldwide into other regions like North America, Asia, Africa and Australia. Starting out as a simple mail-order record retailer in 1970, Virgin has grown into one of the most successful business empires in the world. The Virgin Group has established more than 300 companies, employing around 50000 people in 30 countries. Its global revenues in 2009 exceeded US$18 billion. (Virgin, n.d.) The majority of the Virgin Groups success has been credited to the founder and CEO of Virgin, Richard Branson. Bransons beliefs and philosophies are deeply rooted in the corporate culture of the Virgin Group. This has helped the Virgin Group to flourish in todays competitive business world. History and Development Richard Branson is the founder of the Virgin Group of companies. When he was a student at Stowe, he published a magazine called Student. The magazine was a success and it encouraged Branson to leave school and try his hand at new business ventures. His first target was mail-order records. He found that by putting a single advertisement in an issue of Student magazine, he was able to establish a thriving business with almost no up-front investment and no working capital. The name Virgin was suggested by one of his associates who saw the name as proclaiming their commercial innocence, while possessing some novelty and modest shock-value. In 1971 Branson opened his first retail store on Londons Oxford Street. Virgin then expanded into the recording industry and the result was the Virgin record label. By 1983, the Virgin Group was earning profits of 2 million pounds on total revenues of just under 50 million pounds. (Grant, 2008) Gradually Branson expanded into other ventures. The Organizational Structure Many assume the Virgin Group to be a multinational, but such is not the case. Each of the 300 odd companies of the Virgin Group operates separately and Branson serves as shareholder, chairman, and public relations supremo. Most of them are operating companies that own assets, employ people, and offer goods and services. These operating companies are owned and controlled by about 20 holding companies. The Virgin Group has a very complex structure. It has been termed both as a brand franchising operation as well as a keiretsu. (Grant, 2008) However, based on its structure, the Virgin Group can be safely termed as an organization with a keiretsu structure. A keiretsu is a group of organizations, each of which owns shares in the other organizations in the group, and all of which work together to further the groups interests. (Jones, Mills, Weatherbee, Mills, 2006) Furthermore, such a large organization with a complex structure needs to be organic in order to be able to adapt to changes in its environment. An organic structure promotes flexibility, so people initiate change and can adapt quickly to changing conditions. ( Jones et al., 2006) Considering each of the individual companies as a department providing a unique product or service, it is evident that they exhibit product departmentalization. Product departmentalization is the division of the departments of an organization based on the type of product or service offered. (Jones et al., 2006) For example, Virgin Mobile offers cellular services while Virgin Records is a music label. However, the structure of the Virgin Group is so complex that it is necessary for it to not just have one type of departmentalization. For instance, Virgin Mobile has operations in many different countries like the UK, India and Australia. As such, the type of service varies in each of these countries. This shows that Virgin Mobile also exhibits geographic departmentalization. Geographic departmentalization is the division of an organization based on the geographic location. (Jones et al., 2006) In addition, type of service and products also varies depending on the customer base hence ex hibiting customer departmentalization. Customer departmentalization is the division of an organization based on the kind of customers it serves. (Jones et al., 2006) Since the Virgin Group of companies exhibit so many types of departmentalisations, the organization as a whole is said to have a hybrid structure, which is a mixture of two or more kinds of departmentalisations. This multi-divisional approach helps the Virgin Group to easily adapt to the cultural, technological and other forces in the region it expands to. The division of labour and the hierarchy is also an important aspect of an organizations structure. The number of levels of authority, the control, and the amount of communication are key factors in the proper working of an organization. As mentioned, the Virgin Groups companies operate as separate organizations. The companies are part of a family rather than a hierarchy. They are empowered to run their own affairs, yet the companies help one another, and solutions to problems often come from within the Group somewhere. In a sense, Virgin is a commonwealth, with shared ideas, values, interests and goals. (Virgin, n.d.) In fact, Branson himself has provided all his employees with the authority to make unsupervised decisions based on their intuition rather than following a chain of command. This leads to the employees having more confidence in them and in the management. Since interaction among all the levels of the hierarchy is promoted, it increases effective communication. This is e vident from the fact that Branson personally interacts with employees on a regular basis discussing ideas and receiving feedback. The Virgin Group expresses self-sufficiency and effective communication. Virgin has a flat hierarchical structure and this enables quick and efficient decision making. The flat structure is one of the reasons that the Virgin Group has been able to expand into new ventures. In addition, a flat structure allows a wider span of control, and decentralization. Span of control is the number of subordinates a manager manages directly. (Jones et al., 2006) The decentralized structure of the Virgin Group gives more power in the hands of its employees when it comes to decision making. Decentralization is the delegation of authority to all levels of the hierarchy. (Jones et al.,2006) Branson believes that the employees are the backbone of the company and hence it is important that they have enough involvement and authority in decision making. Since the Virgin Group comprises of so many companies, along with a decentralized structure, it should show some signs of organizational bureaucracy. However, Branson has ensured since the beginning to minimize bureaucracy as much as possible since he strives to flatten the hierarchy. Bureaucracy is a structure in which people are held accountable for their actions because they are required to act in accordance with rules and standard operating procedures. (Jones et al., 2006) The efficiency of the employees is enhanced under Bransons leadership who emphasises a wide span of control and self management. Bransons scepticism of organizational hierarchy and a formal structure has contributed to organizational cohesiveness to a great extent. His adoption of this unorthodox strategy rather than traditional business practices and non-traditional structuring of the organization may be the reason for the Groups success. The Organizational Culture Much of the Virgin Groups culture is influenced by its founder Richard Bransons personal philosophies. Just as his employees are important to him, so are the customers the Virgin Group serves. The ability of the Virgin Group to operate effectively with almost a non-formal structure is because of its unique organizational culture. The culture of the Virgin Group reflects Bransons casual nature, his disrespect for hierarchy and formal authority, commitment to employees and consumers and his belief in hard work and responsibility. (Grant, 2008) This influences all of the companies in the Virgin Group and its organizational culture. This in turn, enables the Virgin Group to provide an environment in which talented, ambitious people are motivated to do their best and strive for a higher level of performance. However, even in an informal environment, a high level of commitment, acceptance of personal responsibility and long hours of work when needed is expected. Performance incentives at V irgin for most employees are diffident but Virgin provides benefits like social activities, company sponsored weekend getaways and impromptu parties. (Grant, 2008) Such an environment promotes better relations among the employer and the employees. Virgins unique culture has gradually progressed to where it is today. Virgin describes itself as a family emphasizing its informal but strong belief system and values. Possessing such a culture enables the Virgin Group to have effective coordination among its various departments. Working as a community rather than a corporation, instils the ability to communicate effectively among the many companies in the Group. The Group as a whole works together based on these shared set of values which are continuously strengthened. This is important considering the vast size and complexity of the organization. Following in the footsteps of its founder, Virgin has always maintained the belief that the employees are the biggest force of the organization and as such, should be treated with respect. (Virgin, n.d.) The management cares for the welfare of the employees and allows them to work in a free environment. Because of these primary beliefs and values, Virgin has been able to compete, thrive, a nd challenge new business opportunities. As mentioned before, Richard Branson has influenced the culture of the organization the most. He has managed to instil his belief system into all of his employees and this has motivated them to strive to perform better. One of the many strong points in Virgins favour is the fact that it is non-traditional; revolutionary even; in the manner it does business. Virgin believes in grasping opportunities. Contrary to what many people may think, Virgins constantly expanding and eclectic empire is neither random nor reckless. Each successive venture demonstrates their devotion to picking the right market and the right opportunity. This has proved beneficial to the organization and is one of the many reasons for its success. (Virgin, n.d.) Conclusion Based on the analysis of the corporate culture and structure of the Virgin Group, it is evident that it is a highly successful organization most of whichs credit goes to the founder and his values and beliefs. Even though the industry considers much of his methods to be unorthodox, these methods have proved highly beneficial to him and the Virgin Group and have been deemed to be effective. Not many today can dream of venturing into so many diverse industries starting from scratch. If Virgin continues to strengthen its culture and structure, it has the potential to become one of the most successful companies ever.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Cognitive Traditions and Communities in Technological Change :: Technology Essays

Cognitive Traditions and Communities in Technological Change ABSTRACT: Many efforts have been made to discover some paradigm-like changes in mathematics, the social sciences, arts, history, etc. Gary Gutting forcefully criticizes the tendency of over-constraining the original conception that mostly led to insignificant analogies. But some applications may fall between correct isomorphic utilization and insignificant analogizing. The paradigm conception of technological change emerged in the early 1980's. This paper shows how fruitful the analogy has been for developing the idea of technological 'paradigms.' But a technological paradigm shows decisive differences which concern the values (which are not only cognitive ones) of technologies, the hierarchical systemic communities, the partly different nature of crises (through 'presumptive anomalies,' by Constant), and the necessarily integrated nature of technological knowledge leading to successful artifacts linked to goal-oriented research. Technological-paradigms-thinking became an established part of evolutionary economics also. According to this, paradigms rival conceptions that show further changes in comparison to the original Kuhnian approach. I conclude by discussing the nature of scientific change from the viewpoint of technological paradigms. Following Kuhn's seminal work paradigms were claimed to be discovered in many scientific fields including sociology, economics, psychology, mathematics, even literature, arts and history. It is well known that Kuhn himself was astonished to see that, for him unexpected, escalation. Garry Gutting rightly emphasized 198O that most of the applications of the paradigm conception led to nowhere but to insignificant, relatively trivial analogies, to assertions that "supertheories" exist. (1) But some application may have overcome trivial analogies. The story of technological "paradigms" is one case for this. The trial to apply the paradigm conception to technological change came 1O-15 years later then the applications to other fields. (2) In an important case study for history of technology (published 198O), E. W. Constant II set up a general model for technological change. (3) In this model technological change is represented by knowledge change and put into an evolutionary epistemology perspective, overtaken from D. Campbell. Constant exploits philosophy of science, mainly Kuhn's paradigm conception. He finds a community structure in technological practice, traditions of practice, normal technology with its puzzle solving character and technological changes initiated by recognizing two types of failure. He claims that, from time to time, technological changes are technological revolutions. "We define a technological paradigm as an accepted mode of technical operation. . . . It is the conventional system as defined and accepted by a relevant community of technological practitioners.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ray Bradbury Essay -- essays research papers

Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury was a dreamer. Bradbury had a skill at putting his dreams onto paper, and into books. He dreams dreams of magic and transformation, good and evil, small-town America and the canals of Mars. His dreams are not only popular, but durable. His work consists of short stories, which are not hard to publish, and keep in the public eye. His stories have stayed in print for nearly three decades. Ray Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920, in a small town of Waukegan, Illinois. His parents were Leonard Spaulding and Esther Moberg Bradbury. His mother, Esther Moberg loved films, she gave her son the middle name Douglas because of Douglas Fairbanks, and she passed her love of films to her son. "My mother took me to see everything....." Bradbury explains, "I'm a child of motion pictures." Prophetically, the first film he saw, at the age of three, was the horror classic "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", staring Lon Chanley. His teenage Aunt Neva gave the boy his appreciation of fantasy, by reading him the Oz books, when he was six. When Bradbury was a child he was encouraged to read the classic, Norse, Roman, and Greek Myths. When he was old enough to choose his own reading materials, he chose books by Edger Rice Burroughs and the comic book heroes Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, and Prince Valiant. When Bradbury was in Waukegan he developed his interest in acting and Drama. After seeing a magician, known as Blackstone, he became fascinated with magic also. In 1932, his family moved to Tucson Arizona. With his talents he learned in Waukegan (amateur magician) he got a job at the local radio station. "I was on the radio every Saturday night reading comic strips to the kiddies and being paid in free tickets, to the local cinema, where I saw 'The Mummy', 'The Murders in the Wax Museum', 'Dracula', .....and 'King Kong'." His family only stayed in Tuscan for a year, but Bradbury feels: "It was one of the greatest years of my life because I was acting and singing in operettas and writing, my first short stories." In 1934 his family moved to Los Angeles, where Bradbury has remained. He attended Los Angeles High School, where he wrote and took part in many dramatic productions. His literary ... ...feild is. The demands of the commercial marketplace and the need to confine a popular writer and his within an easy recognizable image have resulted in Bradbury's being jammed uncomfortably into a box labeled "Science Fiction". No definition of science fiction exists that pleases everybody, and even if it did, to apply it casually to the work of Ray Brabdbury would be inaccurate and unfair. H.G. Wells, whom many regard as a classical science fiction writer, had this to say about his own novels "They are all fantasies; they do not aim to project a serious possibility; they aim indeed only at the amount of conviction as one gets in a good gripping dream. They have to hold the reader to the end by art and illusion and not by proof and argument, and the moment he closes the cover the reflects he wakes up to their impossibility." Wells here is contrasting his stories with those of Jules Verne, wich he calls, 'anticipatory inventions." Viewed this way, virtually all of Bradbury's stories are fantasies, with Wells's concept of the "good gripping dream" coming closest to describing their effect. Even today Ray Bradbury's place in literature is not clear.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Conventional cars to electric cars

IntroductionIf we count the autos on the whole planet we will make a figure bigger than 500 million. These autos give us great freedom, but they bring some jobs excessively. They burn fossil fuels like oil so they pollute our planet and they do a major part to the planetary heating. In U.S 33 % of entire C dioxide emanations comes from the autos with internal burning engines. Most people want to hold electric autos that are fuel, efficient and cleaner than the gas guzzlers they drive today. However, these yearss, there are some jobs which are waiting for solutions like battery capacity, bear downing Stationss, new grid systems and paying systems. In this work we will analyze how can we go through from conventional autos to electric autos? hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Friendly Technologies and Their NecessityEnvironmental engineerings or green engineerings assist straight with energy preservation and they help the environment by cut downing the sum of waste produced by human activities. These engineerings besides conserve natural environment and resources. Today, the universe is in danger. Everyone must confront to have an consequence on Earth. We must cognize the effects of our life manners and we should rearrange our lives harmonizing to it. The best solution is the use of environmental engineerings in our day-to-day life. In this perspective environmental footfalls divide into two classs ; as a authorities and as a individual. Governments can modulate the policies and give more importance to renewable energy. However, most of import portion is personal actions. Human history shows that ordinary people have adequate power to alter the systems like authoritiess and governments. Why ca n't we change earth ‘s fate? By safeguards that we will take, we can salvage our natural resources. For illustration ; we should give importance to recycling that we bring the use of clean energy to our lives. By utilizing solar energy and alternate fuel vehicles, including plug-in intercrossed and pure electric autos can salvage our kids ‘s hereafter. hypertext transfer protocol: // Car IdeaElectric autos are fundamentally alternate fuel cars which use electric motor and electric power to travel. Although electric auto thought shows so fresh, electricity is one of the oldest auto propulsion methods. Yet late, they have gained more importance with planetary clime treatments. â€Å" Electric auto † by and large used for cars powered by electricity. There are some types of electric autos but they have different names such as, electric autos powered by sunshine are solar autos, and electric autos powered by gas generator are intercrossed autos. Hybrid autos with batteries that can be recharged by linking a stopper to an external electric power beginning is a plug-in intercrossed vehicle ( PHEV ) . An electric auto that obtains its power from an interior battery battalion is called a battery electric vehicle ( BEV ) . Although electric autos save natural resources and the clime, electricity as a propulsion method could non be achieved gasoline autos ‘ comfort and easiness of operation. ICE engineering has some advantages ; gasolene autos have greater scope and small refueling times and there is a immense gasolene distribution substructure to supply gasolene for autos. Besides that a gasolene auto ‘s monetary value is much cheaper than an electric auto. There are non merely electric autos ‘ disadvantages. They are more environmental, friendly and their maintaining and running costs are cheaper than ICE autos ‘ . By indispensable policy alterations and electric distribution substructure investings, in short clip ICE autos may replace with electric autos. Today, intercrossed electric autos have become the most popular signifier of electric auto, we can easy purchase a intercrossed auto with an low-cost monetary value. For case, Toyota Prius or Chevrolet Volt. Besides we can purchase a plug-in loanblend or a pure electric auto such as Tesla Roadster or Th! nk City. hypertext transfer protocol: //